The Debut show of Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love
Affirmation For Living with Dr Rev Edwige Bingue
Interviewing headlined guest: OMENA
InnerViews with Donna Visocky and Kimmie Rose, and Special Guest Dr. Joe Dispenza
We are about to hear about how to ORGASM for LIFE! This is a book by author Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, and she will talk to us about relationships and how to truly sustain intimacy. She will talk to men about what they need to be doing, and be telling women specifics that men need as well. This will be an enlightening, edgy and invigorating show!
InnerViews with Donna Visocky, and Special Guest Beth Lynch
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg and guest GP Walsh - part deux
School of Human Potential with with Allen Vaysberg and special guest GP Walsh