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Joining our regular sponsor, GO RAW, tonight's co-sponsor of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth will be "Expectations."  You can join us at 7 PM (PDT)

Since expectations determine a great deal of our life experiences, we thought they deserve special treatment. Whad'ya expect.

Certified Sexual Health Educator & Speaker.

In the next hour, we will be joined by Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, author of Orgasm For Life! Jennifer is an inspirational speaker, an author of multiple books, a Certified Life Coach, a hypnotherapist, and an ordained minister. We will be exploring sexuality of our own bodies, how comfortable we are with knowing self-pleasure, and finding out how we can learn to be more comfortable. What is the harm if we do not learn it? What are the benefits if we choose to learn about individual sensuality and sexuality?

Rich Kemp Live with Reverend Rich Kemp

Hello again,

Please join Rochelle and I tonight at 7 PM (PT) as we celebrate the upcoming event--the Last Supper and the the first night of Passover falling on the same day.

​What both Passover and Easter have in common is a new beginning.

(Easter from Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring.)

Tonight's second sponsor of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" is "The Good Deal" You can listen in at 7 PM (PDT)