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Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Next on Universal Soul Love with David and Lana Love with special guest David Gallup discussing human rights, world citizenship and world law.

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta.

This may sound like a term that represents support, but it is actually speaking to people who create lengthy relationships (“Common-law”) Support and how it is not recognized in California. Where is it recognized and what happens if this is the choice you make, but make a break after a long-term relationship? It is often referred to as"non-marital law".

Associate Professor of music business at Belmont University, Author, Entertainment Lawyer