Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #17 on BBS Radio
Frank Joseph on LiFEChanges With Filippo - Monday, November 4, 2013
Was America truly unknown to the outside world until Christopher Columbus "discovered" it in 1492? Ancient civilizations researcher Frank Joseph reveals fascinating evidence from his new book The Lost Colonies of Ancient America: A Comprehensive Guide to the Pre-Columbian Visitors Who Really Discovered America.
Could a people gifted enough to raise the Great Pyramid 4,000 years ago have lacked the skills necessary to build a ship capable of crossing the Atlantic?
Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio on BBS Radio!
Paranormal Investigator Radio
Show Summary #28
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
“Democracy for Socialism”
The Chinese often say, “May you live in interesting times.” Our times are telling us that change is everywhere around us. From technology, political leadership, financial developments, health care and global configurations, to crime, family, schools, public morality, even how your next-door neighbor watches you. How do you fit in to our times?
Another lovely morning of songs good memories with your host Steve Dallas on BBS Radio!
Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.
Barbara Hand Clow returns to share her vast multi-dimensional perspective on historic events as they play out through astrological aligments, kundalini awakening and the future we're creating. We speak about the Mayan Calendar, "brain orgasms", the fall of the Catholic Church and dynastic rule. Barbara has a new work of fiction "coming out" with revelations galore - The Ruby Crystal. Stay tuned - you won't want to miss what's coming in 2014!
Paranormal Investigator Radio