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Author, Lecturer & Historian of the African Diaspora

Our guest this Sunday on "Shadow Politics" will be historian C.R. Gibbs. We will discuss the holiday Emancipation Day in the District of Columbia. Emancipation Day is the only holiday in Washington D.C. and this year all of America gets an additional 3 days to file their Income Taxes due to the government being closed for the Holiday. Emancipation Day commemorates President Abe Lincoln (a Republican) buying all 3,100 slaves in the District and setting them free nine months before the Emancipation Proclamation.

Duane Heppner is joined by Miss Kelsey Brown and Miss Tanya Quartermain, who share their experiences since using the NU Presentation.  Duane speaks candidly about how to transcend the programmed Matrix of deception, using Real Guides, to begin having direct experiences outside of the Matrix.  

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra, Steve and Veronica's recording of their Pyramid-Building Ritual over the United Nations Building in New York City, as an example to all of you out there that want to build these energy-clearing pyramids for the benefit of the planet and all humanity.

The Bella Dangelo Show with Bella Dangelo, Eric Olsen and AJ Kern

The Bella Dangelo Show with Bella Dangelo Eric Olsen and guest John McGrath

John Barbour's World with John Barbour

John Barbour's World with John Barbour

EXTRA SPECIAL program - Interview with LARRY NICHOLS and JP Sottile

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James Avington Miller Jr

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James A. Miller Jr. and special guests Jennifer Mecozzi Rivera and Austin Hari

Alexandra Meadors and Scott Wolter review forensic evidence to connect the dots between Christ bloodline, the Knights Templar, the pirates of the high seas and ancient Egyptian history. You do not want to miss this interview because he ends up dropping a knowledge bomb regarding the true connections to Christ's bloodline!

Alexandra Meadors and Dannion Brinkley discuss his Near Death experiences and how this has fired him up to heal one of the most important issues that every one of us must face; how we pass from this reality to another when it is our time.