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Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer, with special guests, Scott Penwell and Suzanne Caplan

My two guests are both concerned with keeping seniors "safe." But they express very different concepts of that term. Suzanne Caplan is concerned with making certain seniros remain physically secure in their homes. Scott Penwell, however, concentrates upon internet security, so that traveling through cyberspace can be an adventure - not a danger - for people of all ages. 

We will be presented options most Americans do not see as possible. In the next hour we will talk to Mika who lived in America and was highly successful in her career. She had family and reasons to be thrilled, but was not at all happy, and was depleted from what was to come.

The Debut show of InnerViews with Kimmie Rose and Donna Visocky on BBS Radio!

Reenie Panzini joins Francine to share information on the law of attraction and vision boards. There are many ways to vision board and manifesting the desired results for your Earth life!

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #13

Wild Oats: life purpose. 3 levels of healing (additional info to 3/30/2014 radio show). SAF organs for Parasitic infestation - Stomach and Adrenals. Forgiveness and emotional processing. Pine: for parasitic infestation, guilt, self-criticism, self-condemnation. low self-esteem and self-respect. too humble, too apologetic. Inadequate. Not good enough. Feel filthy inside. Guilt. Inferiority complex. Self-punishment.

Part One of a two part series