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Author, Professional Medical Intuitive, Empath, Reiki healer, artist, organic gardener and activist

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #12

Cerrato: Confidence (in decision making), doubt in self-ability, weak conviction, drawing people who drain you, dominated and controlled. Scleranthus: decision making for little things/everyday life decision.

Dave and I created a very powerful show.  I had experienced his work through a "clearing/reading" earlier in the day and highly recommend him.  In this show, we discuss everything that is important, relating to the comming Shift, which we're in.  This is one of the most power-packed shows yet, and Dave masterfully shares from the high heart.

'A Course in Miracles'. The Oneness Blessing, Ilahinoor, Ho'oponopono, White Time Healing and other energetic transferences

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #11

How Love Healing System works. Underworld ghost river. Larch: for self-confidence, inferiority complex, low self-esteem, over-sensitive to criticism, expectation to failure because of self-doubt & lack of self-esteem, over-giving but cannot receive, fear of public speaking.