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Leader of the Pack with Susan and Mark! All about Dogs!

GUEST: Lonnie Hodge

Susan Herbert, Lone Star “Dog Whisperer”, is always delighted for an opportunity to spread the word about the almost magical process of repairing people-pet relationships and stopping the insanity in households that have “gone to the dogs.” A certified Level 3 Canine Specialist of America’s Canine Academy.

Mark German, America’s Canine Expert, has a special gift. Simply put, he changes people’s lives. Utilizing his advanced knowledge of canine psychology and behavior.

This is an open mike hour with Donna Seebo.  While your turkey is cooking join in with Donna and give her a call if you like.  Lots of fun stuff Donna will be sharing with you.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

When one is laid off from a job it is devestating to say the least.  How can you manage your emotional upheaveal, fears and move forward. Damian, a Career Counselor, has some wonderful toos to share .. listen in and get past those fearful hurdles of the unknown.

What happens when you use the art of positive thinking and the freedom of spiritual well-being with the business of getting desirable results? How can one get out of the way and lead others, creating a culture of innovation and fearlessness?  Join John Murphy and me and find out.

Author, speaker, leadership coash, and business consultant

Susan Martinez has done extensive research on the history of ancient man.  Where did we come from? What did we really look like?  What is the difference between ancient man and the people of today?

We'll find out.

Ronna Prince, a filmmaker, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher, has taken on the challenge of sharing the story of her personal journey of opening up her heart to live life with more powerful purpose, passion and peace.  This film is very nicely done with a powerful messages shared by a number of prominent people...each of whom has walked their own journey of self-discovery.

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.