Title: Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice – Satanism Exposed!
From DC to Hollywood, the elites bow to Satan also called Molech. Hear the names involved in this compelling audio clip. You've heard them before.
The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley
More news from Washington on VA matters. Also, Independence Day salute to Revolutionary War veterans.
Title: More Barbaric Atrocities by Islam World Wide
Should we tolerate this barbarism in America?
Cultural Enrichment destroying UK and Germany. Massive Jihadist Terror Attacks World Wide
Governments of these respective governments are sabotaging their own countries for promises of political power and great wealth. Rapes and female mutilation we see in Africa are coming to Europe.
Inbreeding creates violent, barbaric killers – Play the audio
List of terror attacks over the weekend
The War Report on Public Education with James Avington Miller, Jr., Ph.D
Joan Kramer's Story
Episode 3: Anchoring in the Timeless
Everything we experience in our lives is time bound.
Only that which is aware of all the shifting experiences of time is beyond time.
The good news is you are that!
That totally contradicts our view of ourselves. We are so habituated into believing, firmly that you are the body, the mind, the memories, your beliefs and positions, your history and ancestry.
Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interviewing Tom Paladino
Topic: Scalar Energy
Natural Solutions Radio with Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph
Duane Heppner, known as "Duane the Great Writer", returns with updates on how to exit the Matrix, the 5 bodies within, and new projects to empower humanity's awakening. Modeled beyond the cabal run "United Nations", Duane has created Nations United NUUU (@NationsNUUU on Twitter) On the internet