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Title: Americans love being lied to.

Trump’s foreign policy is more of the same from the last two administrations and this claim that taxes can’t be cut until Obamacare care is repealed and replaced is a bold faced lie!


Title:Lies, Lies, Sweet Little Lies. Americans love being lied to. 

Those who question the government's narrative get vilified by all who cling to their cognitive dissonance.

It's very difficult to believe we are being played by the powers that be.  

The Veterans News Hour with David C. Cory and Richard Hurley

The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley

VA accountability legislation and other VA news. More on PTSD awareness month.

The CIA invented the term conspiracy theorist

Why the blue bloods sponsor islam – Audio

The common denominator between the NWO and islam – audio


New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and David Sloan Wilson, PhD, evolutionary biologist

Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Healer
Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail and guest James D. Okun, MD

Whatever Liberals say they support, it’s usually the opposite


Leftists use violence to further their ideology


abort white babies  audio


this white baby lived audio

Angel Answers with Amy Toy

Angel Answers with Amy Toy and guest Rise Harrington

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James Avington Miller Jr

The War Report on Public Education with Douglas Newsom

Star Date 2017: What is the State of the Resistance to the War?