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Alexandra Meadors and Adam Apollo unite in this exquisite interview!

Alexandra first delves into Adam's background, and what it was that guided him to where he is at this now moment. They then begin to delve into the Knights Templar, and how the experiences of The Guardians then are informing these times. Hear more about:

The six Star Species most responsible for seeding the humanity now on the planet

The Knights Templar

Galactic History


The Avalonian Times

Lorraine Eldridge is an energy medicine healer, body talk practitioner, public speaker, and alternative currency expert.

Lorraine will be talking to Dr Lana and Det David Love about the many benefits of gold and an exciting new gold-backed financial exchange system.

All Paws Pet Talk Radio and TV

Katherine Milner,

Linda and Jill, Precious Pets Transport

Chris Ruben, Adopt A Shelter

Becky Starr, RedStone Media

All Paws Pet Talk Radio and TV

Joel Silverman

Chris Ruben, Adopt A Shelter  

Linda and Jill, Precious Pets Transport

Dusty RainBolt & Marci Koski 

On this Saturday's show Solreta Antaria, Peter Maxwell Slattery and I do a wrap up on my two and a half months journey through Australia. From Uluru, to Mt Buffalo, Sydney, Melbourne, Coffs Harbour, Brisbane, Mt Warning, Mt Sampson, the Gosford Glyphs and more...from UFO footage to Aboriginal Prophecies, from ancient petroglyphs to amusing Australian antecdotes.  It has been a rewarding, exhausting and enlightening trip and I am grateful to everyone in Australia who came out to the lectures, SkyWatch and sessions.  

Alexandra Meadors interviews Jeffery Godfrey, (corrected my name spelling) an amazing healer with over three decades in Bhakti Yoga, Reiki training and VortexHealing.

Dr Lana and Det David Love talk to Author Jay Hall about his "Young Earth Theory".