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Justin Deschamps is the editor and main contributor to the videos and blog for Stillness in the Storm (SITS).  We discuss how he and Julian started the blog, and their partnership which abruptly ended when Julian passed away under stressful conditions of a sudden death.  Justin has carried the torch since and has Valiantly maintained the high standards we've come to appreciate!

I highly recommend his work by subscribing.  Link to the website:   

Timothy J Glenn returns with a cosmic update on 2017, Galactic A.I., the Usurper God, Luciferians and Einstein.  A humorous and eclectic mix as we peek beyond the Matrix.

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon and guest Tricia McCannon

Reiki Master, Psionic Specialist, Meditation Instructor, Life Coach

Eric Raines shares a wealth of information on the true nature of the matrix of control, and how we're tricked into our consent.  Numerous parasites, entities and attachments easily enter our field.  Eric teaches people how to tune into their own energy, recognize blockages, and remove them.  He removes blockages, implants and parasites from our multi-dimensional field.  Below are links to his website with free articles, and his YouTube channel, where he shares techniques to do this vital healing work ourselves!

Holistic Healing, Implant and Parasite Removal, Meridian Clearing and Balancing, Soul Fragment Retrieval and teaching how to clear yourself
Author researcher, Past life regressionist, teacher

Sienna Lea returns to empower the sovereign within.  This is one of the most powerful shows to date - not to be missed.  Sienna is creating a new model with George Kavassilas at Findhorn, a "sovereign process" that is stunning in its breadth and scope, harmony, organic frequency and sacred connection to Gaia Sophia and the zero point field.  Being the multi-dimensional Creators and conscious beings that we already are!