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Radio Toni with Toni Lontis

RADIO TONI with Toni Lontis

Guest, Briony Schadegg, HCI Founder, Director & Secretary (Human Computer Interaction)

15 years Policing expertise - risk management - team management & leadership - investigation - crime prevention - project and policy development - community engagement - public safety – mentoring

7 years experience of business management

Periodical volunteer aiding marine research

Bachelor of Business Management - UniSA (current)

Momentum Magnet with Karen Morales

Momentum Magnet with Karen Morales

Alexia Vernon, launching your speaking career

Alexia Vernon is a sought-after speaking and leadership coach to executives, entrepreneurs, media personalities, and change makers.

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

The Courage to Be an Entrepreneur with Dr. Jenelle Kim, Michelle Aristondo-Chereque, and Tony D’Urso

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne Silver

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver

Guest, Marilyn Suttle

Just The Tips with James P Friel and Dean Holland

Just The Tips with Dean Holland and James P Friel

Guest, Brandon Fong, Uncover Hidden Profits in Your Business

Executive Shine with Jill Wright

Executive Shine with Jill Wright & Jeanie Holzbacher

Discover Your Potential with Cindy Gilman

Discover Your Potential with Cindy Gilman

Guest, Sally Smith, founder of In Transition and The Christmas Belle

Executive Shine with Jill Wright

Executive Shine with Jill Wright & Jeanie Holzbacher and guest Michelle Barnes

Insights Through the Rearview Mirror with Jon Kramer and Paul Kramer

Insights Through the Rearview Mirror with Jon Kramer and Paul Kramer

Jim Weinstein: Charting The Path From Advertising to Advising

Too many people equate decisiveness with urgency and snap judgments. This often leads to decisions that they quickly regret making. Today’s guest makes the case that the more time you take in making big decisions (within reason, of course), the more perspective you gain and, in turn, the more confident you become when you finally pull the trigger.

We address:

Executive Shine with Jill Wright

Executive Shine with Jill Wright & Jeanie Holzbacher