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Architect, Healer, Psychic, Contractor, Musician, Fine Artist, Athlete
Executive Consultant, Strategic Planner, Operations Specialist, Organizational Management Trainer, Communicator, Leadership Developer, Enterprise Architect, Business Analysist, IT Operations Manager, Former U.S. Marine
HR Development, Author, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Property Developer, Business Builder
Consumer and Natural Cures Advocate, Whistleblower, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Radio SHow Host, TV Celebrity, Teacher, Motivator
Author, Keynote Speaker, Motivator, Writer, Career Coach, Humanitarian,Ballplayer, Teacher, Community Volunteer
Entrepreneur, Motivator, Business Developer, Franchise Expert, Direct Marketer
Author, Talk Radio Advocate, Publicist, Radio Host, Public Speaker, Reporter, Writer
Tax Specialist, Speaker, Writer, Activist
Writer, Columnist, Author, Researcher, Lecturer
Humanitarian, Financier, Developer, Spiritual, Communicator, Creative Thinker, Advisor