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Nancy L. Hopkins shared about the shift from Pisces to the Aquarian Age, which we are in process of doing now; in addition to traversing a new part of the galaxy.  We dipped down the rabbit hole long enough to discern that those who have chosen the "way of technology", without regard to the Spirit of all things, have lost the game.  The old paradigms have nothing to prop them up, but propaganda, lies and technological mind control.  

Alison Reeves shared deep insights on astrological mysteries...  we spoke about Chiron, and the opportunity for us to transform our inner wounds and child through self-healing.  We are moving out of victim consciousness to co-creative awareness.  She stressed the wisdom of developing the right, intuitive side of our brains, and in shifting focus from what is outside of ourselves, to the creative sparks within.  When all sparks are firing, our vehicle literally takes off in new inspired directions.

Goddess asteroid and Centaur chart readings

James interviews Kauilapele (KP) , well known for his unique perspectives on his blog  and his video blog

They chat about what's happening energetically in the world, in Hawaii and their thoughts on waht 2015 is going to bring.

Spirit of Light, Blogger, PhD in Organic Chemistry

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland with speical guest Laura Magdalene Eisenhower.  James and Laura discuss the new energies coming in with the start of 2015 from both an astrological and an energetic viewpoint.  The keys for the new year include authenticity and owning your own power, while setting boundaries of what you are willing to accept.  As James says "Being a Christed Being does not mean being a doormat".