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ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about connecting 'Inner Technologies' related to healing and reality creation. How Xi Gong and Reality Creation techniques use the same recently discovered energy field and link heart/brain synchronicity. The neural center in the heart is 5,000 times magnetically stronger than the brain in the head. 

Angel Coaches with Terryee Abbott

Angel Coaches with Terryee Abbott and Diane

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained links between the most recent scientific discoveries and different levels of perception on the Spiritual Path and levels of creating and maintaining optimum health. Key information concerning some of the secret inner teaching of Xi Gong. 

Angel Coaches with Terryee Abbott

Angel Coaches with Terryee Abbott and Diane

Evidential Psychic Medium/Spiritual Teacher
Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo " Magic is Easy. " Disney Movie- Spoken by Aggie Cromwell,(  Actress The Late Great Debbie Reynolds. (whom, by the way, is an amazing example of manifestation in all areas ) some she may not have enjoyed, but she manifested the same lesson 3 times, so she must have needed it.