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Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Natural Solutions Radio with Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - FRIDAY

Justin Deschamps, creator of the popular blog, Stillness in the Storm (SITS) returns to update us on recent events which hold positive promise.  An informative and uplifting show!

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with Andy Lopez, Aka: The Invisible Gardener

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Natural Solutions Radio with Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Natural Solutions Radio with Professor Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Nancy Hopkins returns to talk about the miraculous effects of Shungite.  It has been proven to keep bees healthy, and prevent Colony Collapse Disorder, through contact with Shungite.  Further research shows that the honey from bees that have had contact with Shungite, has incredible healing properties.  Shungite is found only in Russia, and operates via the Quantum Field using torsion fields.  The many other uses include removing damaging EMF and Wi-Fi signals.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss reducing stress during the holidays and tips and strategies for bringing more joy into your life.


Our first guest, Sandra Millers Younger, shares her story of surviving through the 2002 San Diego wildfires and her ComeBACK Formula for transforming crisis into possibility.

Author, Radio Host and Producer at Cosmic Reality Radio