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Alexandra Meadors and Matthew Hurtado team up again to review the underlying reasons for weight gain, hormonal imbalance and what can be done about it safely and naturally. They review how important it is to be in our power, and in order to be in our power we must be healthy and happy! You should learn some new information on the real culprits behind weight gain and what you can do about it!

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Indie Recording Artist, Licensed Therapist, Personal Trainer

James Gilliland takes caller questions and questions from people at the ECETI Ranch

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle - Taking Questions from callers!

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow interviews Pippa Merivale, founder of Metatronic Healing and author of several books. Pippa works with people throughout the world with her Metatronic healing attunements and certifies Metatronic Healing Practitioners. She give us a special message from Metatron about the incoming energies and talks about her guidance she received from Metatron about her Sacred Medicine healing transmissions.

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Gary Loper, Twitter Expert, Mastering the Twitterverse. Make impact one tweet @ a time, Make a difference 140 character at a time., Gary with his background and expertise is a perfect blend to help people to be the best  in Life and Business. If you are just starting to get familiar with twitter social media and feel stuck and do not know where to begin Gary is the man to talk to. He has a great way to explain and put in simple terms that are so easy to follow.

New Earth Journey with Candace Craw-Goldman and special guest Aleya Dao