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I created Cedar Mountain Drums following a Vision Quest after making drums as a hobby for two years. I had previously been a Gestalt Therapist, stockbroker, fund raising consultant and play therapist. I have published many articles on drumming as an alternative to drugs and alcohol to achieve high states, and have led drumming circles for corporations such as Nike, The Design Management Institute, prisons, churches and rehabilitation houses. I lead weekly drumming circles here at our home.
Marlise Wabun Wind, M.S., is the author of ten non-fiction books, with over two million copies in print worldwide in many languages. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in international communications from George Washington University. She is a lifelong student of cross-cultural healing, complementary and holistic medicine, and wellness. One of her books is about integrative healing, and several others are about cross-cultural healing techniques, comparative philosophies, religions and spirituality.
SELF-MASTERY, POWER, & JOY, these are the topics Caroline will discuss today. Self-mastery is important for all people who want to evolve into better people, but it is especially important for a Shaman. It is imperative in doing Shamanic Journey Work that the Shaman be able to get their mind, their ego, and their Self out of the way so that they are truly a hollow reed open to receive what the spirits are showing them without imposing their viewpoint, perspective, or rationalization on it.
LUISA KOLKER is a licensed psychotherapist and Shamanic healer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although born in the United States, she comes from a long line of Central American doctors, psychiatrists, and curanderos. She has a B.A. in humanities from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM. She was apprentice to Ioanna Salazan, author of Zen Comics, for four years in Spain.
ELIOT COWAN, author of "Planet Spirit Medicine", will share his journey into Shamanism, and how he came to work with the Spirits of Plants to heal body, mind, and spirit. He studied herbalism in the 60s, earned a Masters Degree in Acupuncture in the 70s, and went on to apprentice for many years with Huichol Shaman Don Guadelupe Gonzalos Rios in Mexico. He was initiated by Don Guadalupe to be a guide to Shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition.
JAYA BEAR, author of "Amazon Magic", is also owner and facilitator of Puma Shamanic Journeys. She takes groups of spiritual seekers on trips to the upper Amazon area of Peru to take part in ceremonies with an Ayahuasquero, a Shaman skilled in the use of Ayahuasca which is a visionary and healing Plant Medicine.
CAROLINE talks today about the true essence of Shamanism, and its relationship to religion. Among the wisdom traditions, Shamanism is the premier method of bringing body, mind, and spirit into balance, and restoring power, health, and harmony to a person's life as well as to Mother Nature, and all our relations. It has been praised and vilified, misunderstood and condemned, but it has survived and weathered the test of time for over 40,000 years.
Lorraine Simone, also known as DEEP ARROW WOMAN, is our guest this week. She is a well known speaker, visionary, and Shamanic teacher who bridges the gap between the mystery of living a spiritual life, and the nitty gritty of dealing with being here now in a technologically advanced Western society. In 1990, she founded the Moonfire Meeting House, and in 1995, she created the Women's Ways Mystery School to empower women and girls to heal their lives and change the world.
Eliot Cowan is the author of Plant Spirit Medicine, and a fully initiated Tsaurirrikame (shaman) in the Huichol Indian tradition. He began the study and practice of herbalism in the 1960’s and completed a Master of Acupuncture degree with J.R. Worsley in England in the 1970’s. Eliot subsequently apprenticed with Don Guadalupe Gonzalez Rios, a Huichol Indian Shaman. On the occasion of Don Guadalupe’s retirement in 2000, he ritually recognized Eliot as a guide to shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition. This was an unprecedented honor for a person of our culture.
I take groups to Peru to work with ayahuasca and plant dietas, and am now taking groups to Bali to experience the spiritual, healing and mystical "Land of God".