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Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect, February 9, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
On, Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect

on BBS Radio


With Host Susan E. King


Ron Arons


February 9, 2010
Susan and Ron will explore how one goes about researching the unspeakable. Yes, there are skeletons in all of our closets and criminal records are indeed a goldmine for those may have some family members with criminal history. The author of the Jews of Sing Sing has come up with resource book for everyone who needs to know where criminal records are kept. "WANTED! U.S. Criminal Records" is a 388-page reference that lists archives, libraries, courts and online sites with the information you need to track down the black sheep in your family: prison, court, parole and pardon records, execution information, and investigative and police reports. It is the perfect complement to The Jews of Sing Sing!
Born in New York, Ron Arons was reared a goodie-two- shoes. Aside from four moving violations (including a California roll through a stop sign, doing 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, and driving with his brights on), Arons has never been afoul of the law.
Ron worked for many years as a marketer at many high-tech companies, including Texas Instruments, Ashton-Tate, and Sybase, before deciding to work full time on this book. Ron became interested in understanding his roots after he lost both his parents to cancer 16-18 years ago. In the process of researching his criminal ancestors past, Ron has traced his roots to England, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania.
In 2005 Ron won a Hackman Research Residency Award from the New York State Archives to continue his research of New York Jewish criminals.
In January, 2008, Ron appeared on the PBS television series, The Jewish Americans, as the acknowledged expert on Jewish criminals of New Yorks Lower East Side.
Arons tours the country giving educational and entertaining presentations on Jewish criminals and Jewish genealogy. Ron earned a B.S. in Engineering from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect

Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect with Susan E. King, banner
Show Host
Susan E. King

Susan is a Genealogy columnist with The Examiner. As the Genealogy Examiner, Susans column covers cover the gamut of genealogical topics with a rare twist. Through this column Susan will be building a deeper understanding of the spiritual journey of finding our ancestors and finding ourselves. Through a deeper understanding of our history and the history of others will we be.

We live in both very exciting times and very troubling times. But we live in a time where we really do have an opportunity to change; change how we think and feel about ourselves; change how we think and feel about others. We have an opportunity to teach the next generations the importance of preservation, the importance of respect, and the importance of tolerance. There is no better modality than through the study and sharing of our genealogies, our research and through our feelings.

In this light, Susan has launched a new social network,, the place Where genealogy and spirit connect. This site is designed to assist others to embark on their own personal journey tofind your family, find yourself. Susan will be providing start-up consulting, ongoing monitoring and collaborative services as requested and special services.

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