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Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect, February 16, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
On, Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect

on BBS Radio


With Host Susan E. King


John Kimmey
John Kimmey is a cultural enigma. At an early age he chose to walk a path less traveled. If it is possible to characterize a person in one word, in Johns case it might be visionary. Forty-seven years ago, at the age of 21, he was initiated into a spiritual understanding of his place in this precious and tumultuous time in history. In his book Light on the Return Path, John refers to an experience in an ancient cave in Nevada that set the course for his entire life path. He was guided to move to Santa Fe, and has called northern New Mexico home ever since.

Some of Johns accomplishments include founding a legal chapter of the Native American Church of North America, known as the American Church of God. This group has maintained worship services for hundreds of people, Indian and non-Indian, for 45 years.

In the mid-60s John served as an assistant archeologist for the Laboratory of Anthropology, excavating Anasazi and Basketmaker sites in the Four Corner states. He then became a traveling curator for the International Folk Art Foundation in Santa Fe. For two years he traveled to 22 towns throughout New Mexico.

Kimmey and his wife then founded an innovative school for their three children and 90 others. The Santa Fe Community School went on to assist and inspire an entire movement of alternative schools throughout the late 60s and 70s. The SFCS continues to serve many students today with a national home schooling program.

John is well known by lifetime residents of the region as the seed man. He was responsible for founding and guiding the Talavaya Center, a conservatory for native food crop diversity. In 1985, this unique organization received a United Nations Environmental Programme award for landmark work in the preservation and replication of 600 threatened heirloom varieties of traditional foods. Many of these varieties are now regularly grown for local consumption and as crops for international relief agencies.

Kimmey is also well known for his work with traditional Hopi elders from the village of Hotevilla, on Third Mesa in Arizona. After years of service to one elder, the Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy, Grandfather David Monongye, John was sanctioned to respond to requests from groups wanting to hear the prophetic Hopi message, which was originally released to the public in 1946. John has traveled to many parts of the world presenting this message of peace, and assisting people to form communities for mutual support and spiritual transformation in these crucial times.

With the insights gleaned from his many years of dedicated work as a messenger of ancient wisdom, Kimmey was inspired to write a book on the subject. Light on the Return Path is available on Ebay and

As a father of three, a grandfather of seven, and a great-grandfather of two, John spends some of his time mentoring his clan, who are located in Taos, New Mexico and Maui, Hawaii. In 2007 he returned from four years in Hawaii. He now resides, once again, in Santa Fe.

John was cured of a recent serious health crisis by an ancient Chinese healing discipline known as Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism. He currently practices and shares this knowledge with others who face serious illnesses.

Kimmeys latest accomplishment is the completion of The Jack Hopper Trilogy, a fictionalized projection of the near future from the perspective of the Hopi and other ancient prophesies. He plans to use this work as a format for assisting groups in pursuing their destinies.

You can read more about John at the following:

Where Genealogy and Spirit Connect

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Show Host
Susan E. King

Susan is a Genealogy columnist with The Examiner. As the Genealogy Examiner, Susans column covers cover the gamut of genealogical topics with a rare twist. Through this column Susan will be building a deeper understanding of the spiritual journey of finding our ancestors and finding ourselves. Through a deeper understanding of our history and the history of others will we be.

We live in both very exciting times and very troubling times. But we live in a time where we really do have an opportunity to change; change how we think and feel about ourselves; change how we think and feel about others. We have an opportunity to teach the next generations the importance of preservation, the importance of respect, and the importance of tolerance. There is no better modality than through the study and sharing of our genealogies, our research and through our feelings.

In this light, Susan has launched a new social network,, the place Where genealogy and spirit connect. This site is designed to assist others to embark on their own personal journey tofind your family, find yourself. Susan will be providing start-up consulting, ongoing monitoring and collaborative services as requested and special services.

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