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Well Rounded Corners, June 7, 2011

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Paranormal Show

In this episode we talk about the paranormal. Topics included:

  • What is "paranormal" anyway?
  • Is the solar cycle connected?
  • Discussion of EVP's, plus we played one that we recorded!
  • Why do children seem to report more paranormal activity?

Well Rounded Corners

Well Rounded Corners with Robert W Oliver and Ruth Anne Mak, banner
Robert W Oliver and Ruth Anne Mak

Well Rounded Corners
with Robert W. Oliver II and Ruth Anne Mak

Robert W. Oliver: A trade published technical and non-fiction writer working on a novel, computer / IT expert and programmer with over 15 years of experience in all types of computing setups, large and small, and a Reiki Master. Enjoys composing and playing music as a hobby.

Ruth Anne Mak: A Karuna® Reiki Master who teaches Reiki and La Ho Chi, gives Reiki and Shamanistic Reiki, and other energy sessions as well. She is intuitive and has a background in science with a BS in Education in Biology / Earth & Space Science. She is COO of OCS Solutions, Inc.

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