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UFOs and the Paranormal, February 7, 2007

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Jim Sparks "The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race"
In "The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race" UFO abductee and author, Jim Sparks discusses his new book, "The Keepers" which presents his many experiences involving fully conscious UFO abductions.  Sparks explains how, staring in 1988, he began having a series of very close encounters with gray-type ETs.  This began a lifetime of contact.  The ETs take him onboard and expose him to many strange and awesome things. They are apparently teaching him to read a strange alien shorthand alphabet.  He has been given a message that our planet is on the verge of environmental catastrophe, and that all people must one day come together in peace to heal the planet.  Sparks is one of few abductees who does not need to be hypnotized to remember his encounters, many of which have been traumatic, but some of which has been healing.  For example, Sparks describes how in one incident, he was actually healed by the ETs.  He also talks about how he has been taken with large groups of people and how the abduction phenemenon is probably widespread and although most people don't think it affects them, will have enormous signficance for all of humanity.

UFOs and the Paranormal

UFOs and the Paranormal with Preston Dennett, banner
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Preston Dennett

UFOs & The Paranormal - Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, an out-of-body explorer, and the author of ten books and more than one hundred articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, Portuguese, Chinese and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News and the Dallas Morning News. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States. He currently resides in Canoga Park, California.

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