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UFOs and the Paranormal, August 15, 2007

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Kayte Johnson "Ghost Hunting With Kayte Johnson"
In "Ghost Hunting with Kayte Johnson", professional ghost hunter and author Kayte Johnson discusses her many incredible experiences with ghosts, both personal and as a professional ghost hunter.  She describes how, as a child, she ahd many dramatic experiences with ghosts.  For example, the night her grandfather died, she was visited by his spirit who came into her room, glowing with orange light, and spoke to her for about five minutes, giving messages about her upcoming life, and to say goodbye.  The ghost was also viewed by her grandmother. Many other experiences followed.  Kayte herself sometimes experienced poltergeist activity.  Once she stormed angrily into her room and suddenly, the window shutters began to open and close by themselves!  Kayte describes how these experiences inspired her to become a professional ghost hunter.  She talks about how she traveled across the United States for more than 13 years researching various haunted locations.  She talks about some of the most dramatic cases, including a very haunted house in Arkansas in which the residents were being terrrorized by a very bad ghost which would actually throw objects and bite the frightened witnesses.  During Kayte's investigations, she too was attacked by the ghost:  objects were thrown directly at her and on one occasion, she was bit on the arm.  Kayte tells how the haunting was finally ended in a dramatic and unusual way.  Also discusses are other haunting cases, and a few amazing UFO encounters which Kayte has had.  Kayte Johnson's research into ghosts and UFOs is explosive and groundbreaking, and this is one show which will definitely enlighten you about these subjects.

UFOs and the Paranormal

UFOs and the Paranormal with Preston Dennett, banner
Show Host
Preston Dennett

UFOs & The Paranormal - Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, an out-of-body explorer, and the author of ten books and more than one hundred articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, Portuguese, Chinese and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News and the Dallas Morning News. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States. He currently resides in Canoga Park, California.

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