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Truth Express Radio, November 2, 2022

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Truth Express Radio
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Guests, Dr. Patrick Byrne, Dr. Dan McMillan JD PhD and Ken Timmerman

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Hour 1

Dr. Patrick Byrne is the Founder and former CEO of Prior to building a $2 billion dollar enterprise, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies from Dartmouth, a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Cambridge, and a PhD in Philosophy from Stanford University. Dr. Byrne was named National Entrepreneur of the Year. He believes the oligarchy has two wings, Wall Street, and the Deep State, and that he has them surrounded. Patrick devotes his time, resources and leadership helping to save this great Nation. Patrick Byrne is a Libertarian who believes Election 2020 was rigged, and believes "a just government derives its power from the consent of the governed." He is one of the founders of The America Project.

Hour 2

Dr. Dan McMillan JD PhD obtained his PhD from Columbia University and his J.D. from Fordham Law School. Dr. McMillan worked as a history professor and prosecuting attorney. His first book How Could This Happen: Explaining the Holocaust. Next, he turned his sights on Get the Money out of Politics: The Time is Now. We’ll examine as George Santayana stated: “How those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” https://drdanmcmillan,com

we’ll “Discover “5 Secret Ways Money Enters Elections.”

Hour 3

Ken Timmerman is an internationally acclaimed investigative journalist and war correspondent was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for exposure of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. His book St. Peter’s Bones bears witness to the persecution of Christians in Iraq. Mr. Timmerman covered both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict for over 30 years including in 1982 taken hostage by West Beirut Palestinian guerilla fighters, when he became born again to his Christian faith. His book Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi , Deception, Isis Begins,The Election Heist, and now AND THE REST IS HISTORY: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies. Stay up to date with Ken Timmerman’s THREAT WATCH predicting ”Storm Clouds ahead even with GOP victory. 

Truth Express Radio

Truth Express Radio with Erskine
Show Host

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Daring to investigate TRUTH – with wit and humor, Erskine has reached millions of listeners, on local stations across North America, major radio networks, and popular podcasts.

Fast-paced, entertaining, and informative programs with ideas and concerns for social, political, and economic life; Guests and timely content not heard on every other station or cable show!

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