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Truth Express Radio, May 11, 2022

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Truth Express Radio
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Guests, Cheryl Chumley, Daniel Greenfield and Robert Mazur

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Hour 1

Cheryl Chumley is a Christian, Conservative, writer, and speaker. She is noted for aggressive use of Freedom of Information Act laws to hold officials accountable. Cheryl is the online opinion editor and host of “Bold and Blunt” podcast for The Washington Times. Subscribe to her newsletter at The Washington Times and get her daily commentaries, along with her weekly “Bold and Blunt” podcasts, delivered straight to your email box three times a week! She is the author of Police State USA, The Devil In D.C, Socialists Don’t Sleep, now LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom. Covid was the set-up for our demise. › topics › cheryl-k-chumley

Hour 2

Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born author and columnist who is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Mr. Greenfield has been quoted by almost every major talk radio host. We’ll examine,  “Biden Warns Israel Against 'Freedom of Worship” and his blog

Hour 3

Robert Mazur spent 5 years laundering money for Colombian drug cartels, working undercover, to bring down their hierarchy and the international banks that laundered their fortunes. His work led to prosecution of the world’s 7th largest privately held bank BCCI and convictions of many of their senior bank officials. His book The Infiltrator,  was adapted into a major motion picture starring Bryan Cranston, is more amazing and intriguing than any fictional account. His latest just released book is BETRAYAL tells of his brush with death. Mr. Mazur is a court-certified expert in international drug trafficking, and money-laundering and is the President of KYC Solutions, Inc.

Truth Express Radio

Truth Express Radio with Erskine
Show Host

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Daring to investigate TRUTH – with wit and humor, Erskine has reached millions of listeners, on local stations across North America, major radio networks, and popular podcasts.

Fast-paced, entertaining, and informative programs with ideas and concerns for social, political, and economic life; Guests and timely content not heard on every other station or cable show!

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