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Truth Express Radio, March 2, 2022

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Truth Express Radio
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Guests, Daniel Greenfield, Michele Black, Riley G Matthews Jr and Prime Minister Salih Hudayar

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Hour 1

Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born author and columnist who is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Mr. Greenfield has been quoted by almost every major talk radio host. We’ll examine the new President’s relationship with Israel and the rise of anti-Semitism. and his blog

Hour 2

When will top-ranking military officials take responsibility when soldiers die? Michele Black is a victim of the Army’s lies about her husband’s death in the 2017 Niger Ambush.When ISIS militants attacked the Green Beret team outside the city of Tongo Tongo in Niger, Africa, and four American soldiers were killed, Army officials blamed the soldiers on the ground telling the families and the public that they were just a bunch of cowboys that went rouge.CBS News: Her inspiring and revelatory memoir—Sacrifice: A Gold Star Widow’s Fight for the Truth—Michelle used exclusive interviews with the surviving members of the team to write what has been hailed as “the best after-action report to come out of the ambush and subsequent events.”

Riley G Matthews Jr. is a former NYPD police officer who retired after a career ending injury. Riley became a Hollywood stunt man appearing in many pre-covid movies. He was 1st Vice President of Nevada SAG and was the first President and founder of the Blood Brothers MC.He was a gun and robbery specialist for the NYPD. Our topic, crime and gun violence, and assaults on police, Eric Adams NY Mayor, & Covid.

Hour 3

Prime Minister Salih Hudayar an Uyghur-American who escaped severe oppression and discrimination in China is in contact with Hong Kong protesters. As Prime Minister of East Turkistan Government in exile he has understanding of China. We’ll discuss slave labor in China, and crimes against humanity, plus Chinese inroads in America.

Truth Express Radio

Truth Express Radio with Erskine
Show Host

Truth Express Radio with Erskine

Daring to investigate TRUTH – with wit and humor, Erskine has reached millions of listeners, on local stations across North America, major radio networks, and popular podcasts.

Fast-paced, entertaining, and informative programs with ideas and concerns for social, political, and economic life; Guests and timely content not heard on every other station or cable show!

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