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Sri and Kira Live, June 26, 2016

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Sri and Kira Live
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Evolution or “Status Quo”, time to move forward!

Show Title: Evolution or “Status Quo”, time to move forward!

Description:  Joy or depression? Evolution or Devolution?  What is the current trend in your life?  Spiritual growth is a journey and at times it seems that we are standing still and at other times we feel the joy of our evolution.  We can correct the unproductive trends if we pay attention and apply the tools of our spiritual nature.

Join Sri & Kira as they discuss the qualities you can quickly cultivate to sustain your spiritual momentum and Joy as you lift into the divine evolution of your amazing life.

The lines are open so be sure to call-in to ask your questions, share your insights or request one of Kira Raa’s amazing mini soul readings!

Sri and Kira Live

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Join wisdom teachers Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa on 'Sri and Kira LIVE! The Voice of Passionate Action' airing every Sunday at 12:00pm PST / 3pm Eastern. Their mission is to open the authentic path of self-ascension through the sacred union of the soul. Experience laughter, wisdom and what they call the practice of 'Passionate Action'. They offer spiritually deep, articulate, and intelligent views . . . opening a nourishing dialog with all and boldly answering the tough questions with wisdom, compassion and reassurance! Each week they give spiritual guidance and information on a specific topic at hand and open the phone lines to take your calls and offer mini-soul readings. The phone lines are always inundated with callers so…keep trying! Hang up and call again - Call 517-208-1500

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk” of authenticity and on the cutting edge of soul evolution, Sri is a gifted Psychotherapist, Skilled Medical Intuitive and Master Avesa Quantum Healer. Kira was born clairvoyant, and declared clinically dead of cancer in 1989. She is now widely accepted as the most prolific and accurate Oracle of modern history. Tune in for the fun, discover fascinating information and guests while enjoying visionary perspectives!

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