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Spouting Off, March 13, 2018

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Spouting Off
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with Karen Kataline and guest Martina Cartwright with Moments of Reason
To the Left, EVERYONE IS A RACIST ...except actual racists.
Patterns, patterns, everywhere! Recognizing them can help you practically tell the future --as if by magic! The Women's March Leaders refuse to denounce Louis Farrakhan as do 7 members of the so-called, "Congressional Black Caucus." Does that surprise anyone? The only thing that's surprising is that such hypocrites have any credibility with anyone, ever. Republicans have just declared that there was no Russian collusion from the Trump campaign. Will the Left except that? Their patterns should help you answer that question.... Nope, never.

Spouting Off

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline
Show Host
Karen Kataline

...because, you're better off, when you're Spouting Off!

Karen is well-informed and opinionated, but she also believes that protecting others’ rights to free speech protects our own.

Topics range from the timely to the timeless, but always includes a healthy dose of debate and discussion.

Karen has a healthy sense of humor and a nose for news. She stays on top of the topics people are talking about and often brings you stories you may not have heard. Whatever the subject, Karen usually has an opinion and she welcomes yours too!

If you can’t stand a little rabble-rousing or even some passionate disagreement, you may want to listen with caution. But if you just love mixing it up about the hottest issues of the day, tune in. You might have your mind changed or even change someone else’s!

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -e-
5:00 pm CT
5:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)
To the Left, EVERYONE IS A RACIST ...except actual racists.
Patterns, patterns, everywhere! Recognizing them can help you practically tell the future --as if by magic! The Women's March Leaders refuse to denounce Louis Farrakhan as do 7 members of the so-called, "Congressional Black Caucus." Does that surprise anyone? The only thing that's surprising is that such hypocrites have any credibility with anyone, ever. Republicans have just declared that there was no Russian collusion from the Trump campaign. Will the Left except that? Their patterns should help you answer that question.... Nope, never.