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Sovereign Mind Radio, October 1, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Marshall Vian Summers, Author of The Allies of Humanity -

A Message from Marshall Vian Summers

For the past 25 years, I have been immersed in a religious experience. This has resulted in my receiving a vast body of writings about the nature of human spirituality and humanity’s destiny within a larger panorama of intelligent life in the Universe. These writings, encompassed in the Teaching in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, contain a theological framework that accounts for life and the presence of God in the “Greater Community,” the vast expanse of space and time that we know to be our Universe.

Become aware of the Mental Environment.

The Mental Environment is the environment of thought and influence in which we all live. Its effect upon our thinking, emotions and actions is even greater than the effect of the physical environment. The Mental Environment is now being directly affected and influenced by the Intervention. It is also being affected by government and commercial interests all around us. Becoming aware of the Mental Environment is crucial to maintaining your own freedom to think freely and clearly. The first step that you can take is to consciously choose who and what is influencing your thinking and decisions through the input that you receive from the outside. This includes media, books and persuasive friends, family and authority 

Sovereign Mind Radio

Sovereign Mind Radio with Sonia Barrett, banner
Show Host
Sonia Barrett

To be sovereign is to be self governing allowing one to be spiritually and physically free to choose without silently imposed navigation. Join Sonia each Wednesday at 9:00am pst as Sovereign Mind explores the nature of the game, the game players and the strategies in place to hold you spell bound and distracted. Informed guests will bring insight to the silent side of corporations, spiritual concepts science you informed and to provide solutions in moving beyond a matrix of control. Sonia digs deep in the questions presented to her guests stimulating exciting and mind expanding dialogue.

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