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Interviewing The Legends, February 8, 2016

The Ray Shasho Show Welcomes Magic Dick(The J.Geils Band) and Shun Ng
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Ray Shasho Welcomes Magic Dick (J.Geils Band) and Shun Ng to the Show
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The Creative Musical Duo of Magic Dick and Shun Ng

Our Very Special Guests Today is the collaborating musical duo of


Magic Dick the legendary harmonica player for Boston’s J. Geils Band has recently partnered up with guitar and vocal sensation, Shun Ng, to create one of the most dynamic musical acts to come out of Boston in a long time. The music is soulful blues, rockin’ yet thoughtful and performed by arguably two of the top musicians at their respective instruments. Since 1969, Magic Dick has toured the world playing and blowing away clubs and stadiums with the J. Geils Band. 

Guest, Magic Dick and Shun Ng

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Magic Dick and Shun Ng
The Ray Shasho Show Welcomes the Collaboration of Magic Dick & Shun Ng
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Magic Dick, the legendary harmonica player for Boston’s legendary J. Geils Band has recently partnered up with guitar and vocal sensation, Shun Ng, to create one of the most dynamic musical acts to come out of Boston in a long time. The music is soulful blues, rockin’ yet thoughtful and performed by arguably two of the top musicians at their respective instruments. Since 1969, Magic Dick has toured the world playing and blowing away clubs and stadiums with the J. Geils Band. He explains the formation of the duo:

“From the moment I first heard Shun Ng’s CD “Funky Thumb Stuff” I knew that a manifest musical collaboration was about to happen. Shun’s sound simply made me feel very alive and induced in me a synchronous alignment of musical DNA as if it was his intention as well as mine all along! I helped it along by asking his manager, Ralph Jaccodine to introduce us at his office. A long and enlightening conversation happened on that day of our first meeting and now we are a duo and I couldn’t be more delighted.”


Shun Ng was born in Chicago, raised in Singapore now based out of Boston. At 24 years old, he is already an international star, a soulful, world-class guitarist, vocalist, and electric performer who in a short period of time, has caught the attention of the top players in the music world including Quincy Jones who said: “When you see Shun Ng, you won’t believe your eyes nor your ears – he belies all stereotypes, all premonitions. I was simply blown away by both his soul and his science – his creativity and his uniqueness is astounding.”

“In this collaboration with Magic Dick,” Shun says, “we wanted to make music in a way that no one had quite done before while remaining grounded in our roots. Magic Dick brings a powerhouse attack with ferocious precision and a killer groove to this duo. I have great respect for him, he has seemingly done it all, but is still constantly trying to push the boundaries of music and chase the best in himself, a true artist. To be working with a true Boston legend is a real privilege.”

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Interviewing The Legends

Interviewing The Legends with Ray Shasho
Show Host
Ray Shasho

Interviewing The Legends is devoted to promoting authors and musicians worldwide. Ray spotlights exclusive interviews with both legendary and up and coming artists. Ray also features the movers and shakers of the music and publishing industries and suggests important methods for getting the most out of your public relations and marketing methods.

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