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Peaceful Planet, September 13, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Are You the parent of an Indigo or Crystal child?

Learn more about these special children who are comming in now for Ascension, with Elanthra!

Elanthra's Bio - I AM an Indigo, Crystalline, starseed Walk-In Lightworker from the Omniverse - a conscious light deity Multi-channel, Spiritual Consultant, Healer, Visionary Writer and Teacher, who is here to anchor light and heal and clear the Earth and its inhabitants. I AM dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner, and am especially passionate about all the New Children, which include the Indigos, Blue Star, Rainbows and Diamonds.

Peaceful Planet

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon
Show Host
Marcia McMahon

Our special topics include the Holy Grail Mysteries, investigating the life of Jesus, past lives with him, and the truth of his mission, which is vastly different than the story presented in religion.

The Ascension Series is another topic of interest for our listeners and we bring world teachers to this forum to discuss the personal and planetary aspects of ascension as it is ocurring now on the planet!

  •  Ancient Mysteries and Sites
  •  Goddess and Divine Feminine
  •  Angel Messages from Marcia & readings for our audience
  •  Peace process in the Middle East
  •  New Revelations from Spirit
  •  Authors from all walks around the world
  •  Creative artists and musical talent
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