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Peaceful Planet, May 24, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Peaceful Planet Welcomes Asha Praver, disciple of Swami Kriyananda, disciple of the Great Master Yogananda who brought Kriya Yoga to America!

Sample Meditation #13 !

About Asha Praver

A Texas native, Asha Praver enrolled in Stanford University in 1965. For several years she participated in anti-war protests and other counterculture events of the Sixties. But her deepest interest has always been Eastern spirituality, and it wasnt long before this consuming passion caused her to drop out of college.

In November 1969 came the day that changed her life. Asha attended a talk given at Stanford by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of the great master of yoga, Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi). Asha felt a deep connection with this great spiritual teacher, and a few years later she moved to the Ananda Community that the swami had founded in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.

From that day to this, Ashas dual focus has been living her spiritual path of Self-realization and sharing its teachings with others. Building on her close association with Swami Kriyananda, she served as his personal assistant, and later, as his secretaryin the process absorbing the swamis wisdom. She also co-authored a cookbook and helped run the Ananda Meditation Retreat, Publications, and other businesses.

Early on, Swami Kriyananda saw Ashas potential and groomed her for a life of leadership and public service. He sent her out to teach and lecture, and to date she has given thousands of classes, sermons, and lectures in America, Europe, and Asia.

In 1987, Asha moved to the San Francisco peninsula with her husband David, where they serve as co-leaders of the Ananda Temple in Palo Alto, across the street from Stanford University. The couple also co-founded the nearby Ananda Community in Mountain View. Later, Asha helped found the Living Wisdom School in Palo Alto.

Asha is an articulate speaker whose gift is to make the deeper teachings of yoga meaningful and applicable to modern daily life. She has helped thousands to a deeper understanding of themselves, and her ministry has included counseling hundreds of individuals and couples. She has a brilliant mind and an open and kindly manner.

In 2007 she published Swami Kriyananda: As We Have Known Him. This work, which chronicles some of Ashas most inspiring personal memories of a modern sage, as well as those of many others, has received glowing reviews from professional and casual readers.

Asha is available for public lectures and radio and television interviews. Although her current main subject is her book and the importance of spiritual mentors, she can speak volubly and knowledgeably on how to spiritualize relationships, business, and indeed, any subject that touches on the spiritual.

Peaceful Planet

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Marcia McMahon

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