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Peaceful Planet, June 4, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

The DIVINE FEMININE, the Da Vinci Code, Mary Magdalene and Princess Diana as embodiments of the divine femine. Marcia and Matia will bring into awareness the truth of Jesus's relationship with Mary Magdelene through sound scholarly analysis, and thier messages from spirit! Marcia McMahon teaches Art history at a college and will examine symbols and clues in the painting by Da Vinci, the Last supper. She will also explore missing texts from the library at Alexandria which shed much light on this topic, the so called Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary! Matia and Marcia also will bring in messages from spirit and do live readings! Matia will read her message on the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene! DON'T MISS THIS NEW SHOW!

Hi, my name is Matia Michaelson and I am representative of Archangel Michael.  My mission is to help the Lightworkers and Starseeds in cooperation with Archangel Michael who will assist them in understanding their personal missions and contracts with the Spiritual Hierarchy and in opening the Galactic Prosperity Gateway while fulfilling their missions. This will help them to move on in their personal development and reconnect with their soul families and I AM Presence. Most people know they are here for a reason and the information I help to bring forth assists in explaining that reason.

Peaceful Planet

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon
Show Host
Marcia McMahon

Our special topics include the Holy Grail Mysteries, investigating the life of Jesus, past lives with him, and the truth of his mission, which is vastly different than the story presented in religion.

The Ascension Series is another topic of interest for our listeners and we bring world teachers to this forum to discuss the personal and planetary aspects of ascension as it is ocurring now on the planet!

  •  Ancient Mysteries and Sites
  •  Goddess and Divine Feminine
  •  Angel Messages from Marcia & readings for our audience
  •  Peace process in the Middle East
  •  New Revelations from Spirit
  •  Authors from all walks around the world
  •  Creative artists and musical talent
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