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Peaceful Planet, June 21, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Peaceful Planet Welcomes David Lewis! Founder of the Hearts Center Community Representative of the Ascended Masters!

David Christopher Lewis is a mystic, spiritual teacher, composer and author for the Aquarian age. Raised catholic, David embraced the concepts of karma and reincarnation when he was just 14 after reading Edgar Cayces The Sleeping Prophet. For the next three decades, David studied the worlds major religious traditions, albeit through a more mystical, esoteric lens. For twenty-two of those years he lived and worked in an intentional spiritual community. He married in 1986 and has three children ages 7, 14 and 21. In 1994 he opened his own art gallery, a highly successful business that he personally managed and then sold in 2005. In the spring of 2004, David had a mystical awakening and began receiving regular telepathic communications from enlightened spiritual beings known as ascended masters.  He maintains that he is not the messenger for the ascended masters, but rather a messenger, affirming that all of us can and should develop our own spiritual faculties as well. Early in 2005, with seven others, David founded a spiritual group known as The Hearts Center. This non-profit organization, dedicated to helping people everywhere connect with and nurture their own divine potential, has grown in the last three years into a world-wide movement with local centers in two dozen cities in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Europe. The Hearts Center maintains a website: where over eleven hundred HeartStreamsor inspired discourses from the ascended masters that David has receivedare published in audio, print and recently, in video format as well. David coined the term HeartStreaming, and co-authored a chapter on the subject for the anthology Healing the Heart of the World, published in 2007 by Elite Books. David regularly conducts prayer and meditation services and teaches during free Internet broadcasts on The Hearts Centers website. He has also written and published extensively over the last three years. Among his published works are a collection of more than 150 devotional prayers, songs and mantras, guided meditations, and instruction on the spiritual science behind sun gazing. Since 2005, David has traveled extensively to sixteen countries while leading pilgrimages to Mexico, South America, Egypt, Europe and the Far East and conducting nearly forty seminars and conferences in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Peaceful Planet

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon
Show Host
Marcia McMahon

Our special topics include the Holy Grail Mysteries, investigating the life of Jesus, past lives with him, and the truth of his mission, which is vastly different than the story presented in religion.

The Ascension Series is another topic of interest for our listeners and we bring world teachers to this forum to discuss the personal and planetary aspects of ascension as it is ocurring now on the planet!

  •  Ancient Mysteries and Sites
  •  Goddess and Divine Feminine
  •  Angel Messages from Marcia & readings for our audience
  •  Peace process in the Middle East
  •  New Revelations from Spirit
  •  Authors from all walks around the world
  •  Creative artists and musical talent
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