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The Peace Brain Show, October 31, 2018

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The Peace Brain Show
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Healthy Earth - Healthy People, with Jonathan Jennings, Executive Director of Health In Harmony.

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash

Topic: Healthy Earth - Healthy People, with Jonathan Jennings, Executive Director of Health In Harmony.

The Peace Brain Show

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash
Show Host
Dr Gail Lash

What is Peace Brain? Peace Brain is a term that Dr. Gail Lash created to indicate a peaceful mind, body, spirit and world. Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – the blending of the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. We humans cannot exercise our complete capabilities and innate gifts to manifest true Peace On Earth unless our Peace Brain is engaged, with these biological and spiritual centers working as one. Unity through Diversity is the goal.

Topics of Peace span the complete continuum of Science and Spirit – and so does The Peace Brain Show!  Listen and explore scientific and metaphysical concepts related to the human condition, animals and Nature, our relationship to Universal Energy and implementations of Peace worldwide with your Host, Dr. Gail Lash!

Drawing on her multifaceted background, Dr. Gail features guests who are Zoo and Aquarium leaders, Animal conservation partners, Community facilitators, social Justice organizations promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, National park operators, Metaphysicians, Energy healers, Angel workers, Animal communicators, and much more – all imparting their practical wisdom on how we each can create a world of Peace, Love, Justice and Beauty – manifesting “As Above So Below”.

From this, envision a map of the Earth being populated with “Places Of Peace” (markers and practices by these organizations and grassroots individuals) that when linked create Peace Trails around the world!  It is practical; it is powerful; it is possible!

The show is a one-hour format.  It begins with an opening quote and monologue segment by Dr. Gail, introducing the Peace topic for that show. This is followed by a 30 to 40-minute conversational interview with an amazing guest of note – done in the spirit of friendship, laughter, respect, contemplation and building community.  The show ends with a Peace Brain Meditation, in which Dr. Gail enables you to practice turning on and tuning into your Peace Brain!  Join us!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

The Peace Brain Show – Jonathan Jennings

Using Free Conference line to record, then Doug will add intro and outro to recording for play.


Dr. Gail welcomes listeners

Opens with a Quote

Monologue on Peace Brain topic

Introduce guest

Questions for guest and conversation

Thank guest

GL leads a guided Peace Brain Meditation

Dr. Gail says you can find me here & get these services

GL signs off


0 minutes

What is Peace Brain?  Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – blending the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. 

Listen and explore how to create unity worldwide, as we blend science and metaphysics, open our hearts and minds to the possibilities of Peace on Earth, and create the life we are each destined for.

Featured guests range from angel communicators to zoologists and everything in between. Now here is your host Dr. Gail Lash!

01 minutes

GAIL: Welcome to The Peace Brain Show! This is your Host, Dr. Gail Lash and I’m happy to have you here today!

Today we have a wonderful guest, Jonathan Jennings, with us to talk about how we can create a healthy planet by helping to create healthy people. And of course, please stay tuned to the end of our show, where we will close with a transformative Peace Brain meditation!

So first, as always, I want to open the show with a quote. This quote is from Chief Seattle.

It says: "We have not woven the Web of Life.

Our Great Spirit and Mother Earth have done it all!

We are but one thread within it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

Therefore do good things.

All things are bound together.

All things connect."

----Chief Seattle

This quote highlights how we are all connected – both to all humans and to the earth that we live on.

More Here…

04 minutes

INTRODUCE GUEST – Today we have as my Guest, Jonathan Jennings - Executive Director of Health In Harmony.

Jonathan found his passion for managing international development projects early in his career. After completing his M.S. in Conservation Biology and Applied Ecology, he spent several years in post-conflict Kosovo and then Croatia working with local NGOs and consulting for Mercy Corps. He later joined Save the Children in the UK and earned his M.A. in International Politics and Security at Bradford University. In 2005, he joined Doctors Without Borders / Medicins Sans Frontieres, spending the next decade managing medical humanitarian programs in South Sudan, Ethiopia, India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Liberia, and elsewhere. In 2013, he became the Deputy Executive Director of Doctors Without Borders Canada and settled in Toronto.

After more than 15 years in international aid, he decided to get back to his passion for environmental science and joined Health In Harmony (HIH) in 2017. He is incredibly excited to be part of the HIH team, as it's mission merges his two passions - global health and conservation biology. Jonathan believes that we no longer live in a world where the health of people, ecosystems, and the planet can be effectively addressed in silos; human development and ecosystem conservation are one and the same. As Executive Director, he oversees the representational, operational and financial health of this uniquely ambitious non-profit organization.

Health In Harmony is a planetary health organization that helps communities have the resources they need, so they don't have to destroy their ecosystems to survive. Its tag line is “Saving Forests – Saving Lives”.

Our vision: Healthy planet with healthy people.

Our mission: Community-led solutions for human health and planetary health


06 minutes


Sample questions:

  1. Orangutans are a favorite of mine, as I used to be an animal keeper of orangutans at the Los Angeles Zoo. I understand that it was the plight of orangutans that helped created Health In Harmony, right? Please tell us about that. [Borneo – Dr. Kinari Webb]

  2. What drew you to hih from drs w/o boarders?

  3. Please tell us more about Health In Harmony’s projects.

  4. Last week you published an article claiming that photosynthesis is 1/3 of the answer to mitigating climate change. Please explain this connection.

  5. How does Health In Harmony’s work relate to peace?

  6. What is peace to you?

  7. What constitutes a peaceful world?

  8. ?? more…

43 minutes

  1. So, Jonathan – We are getting close to the end of our time together on this show. What final words of wisdom would you like to share with our listeners today?

45 minutes


THANKS GUEST, Jonathan Jennings

46 minutes

PEACE BRAIN MEDITATION – Let’s go into today’s PB meditation… sit back…

Gail brings audience out of meditation and says this:

54 minutes

Thanks for tuning in today to The Peace Brain Show! If you would like to connect with me, Dr. Gail Lash, for your personal Akashic Records reading, OR you’d like us to assist your company or business to #OptForPeace by creating a Peace Park, where community dialogue about peaceful solutions can be held, please go to our website or email me at

Again, I want to thank my guest, Jonathan Jennings, from Health In Harmony. You can find more about him at

then Gail ends with:

NOW, Please go forth and activate your Peace Brain, and put YOUR Peace Park on our World Peace Trails map! Many Blessings.


55 minutes

Thank you for joining us on The Peace Brain Show! You can find us at Be sure to check out Dr. Gail’s Akashic Records readings, her Peace Master Plans for your business or organization, and her book, “#OptforPeace: 9 Essential Steps To Achieving Peace, Power, and Prosperity”.  

Tune-in to BBS Radio, Station 1 every other Wednesday at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern to The Peace Brain Show for your next installment of wonder, inspiration and practical Peace!

56 minutes


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