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News for the Soul, July 23, 2007

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Call in for your life changing reading with Psychic Medium Intuitive Kerrie O'Connor ... Kerrie has remained actively clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient since birth. In addition to being a Reiki Master, an Incan Shamanism Initiate, a Medium of the Doreen Virtue School, and a certified teacher/practitioner of the EMF Balancing Technique®, Kerrie is the singular resource for all LightStream[TM] guidance and related energy work.

News for the Soul

News For The Soul with with Nicole Whitney, banner
Show Host
Nicole Whitney

News for the Soul is best described to those in the talk show radio industry as "Art Bell without the Fear". Our large listening audience built up since January 1997 travels with us "on the leading edge of human evolution ", hearing about and in some cases experiencing first hand ideas and phenomenon once thought to be beyond possibility.

Although we cover everything "from the uplifting to the unexplained", it is done with self empowerment as the goal, and the soul-ution oriented approach as the theme. Whether it's live energy healings on the air or an on-location paranormal investigation, it's all uplifting in the end. And that is why our audience is strong, loyal and growing. Once they get a taste of News for the Soul, they want more.

Celebrity Appearances are common on News for the Soul, with regular appearances by Dannion Brinkley (Best Selling Author of Saved by the Light and focus of the TV Movie of the same name with Eric Roberts in 1985), Deepak Chopra, James Van Praagh, Former CIA Remote Viewer Dr David Morehouse, Stuart Wilde, Carolyn Myss, Uri Geller, Dr Raymond Moody, Movie Producer Stephen Simon, Gregg Braden, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, PMH Atwater, Sark, Joe Vitale, Dr David Hawkins, John Kehoe, Dr Brian Weiss, Neale Donald Walsch, Andrew Cohen and many other luminaries of our time.

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