Lets Talk Healing, October 25, 2018
Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier
Topic: The shadow in each of us
How healing can help bring the dark side into the light.
Ataana Method, Ataana Healing Method, energy work, energy healing, shadow side, Halloween, self-reflection, darker dimensions of beingness, karma transformation, duality, Oneness, spiritual growth, transmute heavier energies
Lets Talk Healing

Transformation is possible at any given stage or time.
Ataana’s greatest gifts are mastering systems – understanding the raw materials and energetic blueprints of existence. How we think, behave, communicate and act is a manifestation of how we’re energetically wired. He can decode all stages of being-ness in a way that explains why things are happening in our lives the way they do.
He is thankful for all his teachers – embodied and non-physical – God, the one being, the crystal consciousness, nature and everyone who nurtured and supported his path towards higher learning and being. Ataana’s strength lies in the fact that he is an intuitive energy healer who can utilize his psychic and medial abilities as required. He can access the consciousness of Oneness from any angle and apply it to foster change in all areas of life.
Although people have experienced spontaneous healing under Ataana’s care, he firmly believes it is due to God’s Grace, the person’s willingness, love and the overall intention to change, in combination with his energy work that allows balance to happen. Sometimes it’s as simple as having an epiphany or a-ha moment to realize there’s a situation that doesn’t have to be repeated, knowing that someone is available to support you when you’re going through a hard time, and understanding how and why you got there, and what is needed to to get you back on track. Ataana realizes it is not so much about the miracle healing but more about teaching people how they can become more aware, healthier, and have the right tools for maintaining the momentum as well as raising this new gained consciousness.
Transformation leads to transformation. Every step towards our true self is a step towards wholeness.
Ataana has designed a unique holistic system called the Ataana Method to nourish, connect, unveil and apply your specific healing gifts. When you are ready to step into a higher phase of consciousness, he can activate specific frequencies to support your journey.
The Journey
Ataana is on his journey of remembering All Oneness, as we all are. He brings into this Multiverse his servitude, love and wisdom to support himself and humanity to become one with our very own source. He can make it easier for you to activate your highest, most natural vibration. Ataana serves as a reminder for humanity that we are of divine essence, conscious light beings, and that God is part of our essence, not just around us, but also inside our hearts. If you are starting on your healing journey or if you are an advanced practitioner, Ataana can support you.