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Higher Dimensions, March 16, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

We are born to a world of amnesia and our true home and state of knowing retreats to the subconscious that we may focus on our purpose in life.  In our own way, time and place each of us discovers our life support connection.  My first attention-getting experience was standing up to claim my Thanksgiving Turkey win at a drawing BEFORE my name was called.  I was age 19 at the time and though I had to sit again as my name was not yet called, a moment later the event occurred.  Life experiences continued to grow me into the person I would become.  An expansion of awareness to a greater reality accelerated with one event leading to another and another until a flow of occurrences took hold and my education in remembering began.  I reviewed and realized that the “when” is hard to mark because the process is always in action.  It is special moments along the way that secure the comfort of our relationship to the mysteries of life that we may remember the most, such as my prayer request for a God-Sign of a blue feather.  I asked for validation of guardian angels as companions in our life to protect, educate and guide and received it, a blue feather.  It was the beginning of an open communication to the angelic realm and the life support of a greater reality.  I became a professional psychic at the new year of 1977 after 20-years of preparation.  My professional role has been quiet and private as a greater mission purpose is in place, which is writing and educating.  The Blue Feather and Other Signs of Angels is an audio book about my relationship with the angels and may be ordered by calling (850) 995-0600 for $19.95 including shipping/handling.

Higher Dimensions

Higher Dimensions with Phyllis Pricer, banner
Show Host
Phyllis Pricer

The Higher Dimensions hosted by Phyllis Pricer

Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient. Channeling and dream interpretation, jin shin jyutsu and acupressure. Hypnotherapist: prebirthing. release of stress and pain management, past-life regression, life between lives; smoking cessation, weight loss; clearing of fears and phobias.

Ability to "see" the future and to read minds from very early age. Had visions and interacted with "unseen" others also. Had invisible playmates until about 11 years of age. Able to know things without learning from others. Ability to talk and interact with those who have passed on from this earth plane.

In early 20's chose to grow more spiritually from a vision I had at 22.

Study of psychic phenomena and psychology for many years on my own. Attended psychic training through Association of Research and Enlightenment; obtained a masters in Hypnotherapy through National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists; non-denominational ordained minister; certified practitioner of jin shin jyutsu. Former president of National Association of Women Business Owners - Capital Area Chapter. Certified paralegal. Member of the A.R.E. Practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Member of NATH.

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