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Fine Tune You, May 9, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Tune in to "Fine Tune You" with Helen

May 9 Special Guest... Irish-born author, teacher, and mentor of "The Uncommon Path" Mick Quinn
Sunday May 9th
on Fine Tune You

Mick Quinn

As an Irish immigrant who fully embraced the American Dream, Micks evolution has taken him from his native home to become a founder of several NYC-based multimillion dollar companies, to his current role as bestselling author and teacher of a process that helps others identify concealed conditioning to arrive at the discovery and expression of their full potential.

Mick regularly appears on live radio alongside Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, John Grey, Eckhart Tolle, Bryon Katie, and Debbie Ford.

He, along with such people as Barbara Marx Hubbard and Steve McIntosh, is an Honorary Member of the EnlightenNext organization.

Mick Quinn is the author of two books on human potential, an international speaker, coach/mentor, and founder of Choice for Enlightened Living Foundation.

His second book, The Uncommon Path reached #1 position in two separate Amazon categories upon release in July of '09. Mick's work has been quoted in The LA Times, ADD Magazine, Psychology Today, CNN Living, and The Wall Street Journal.

Mick's life was irreversibly transformed in the summer of 2001 as the result of a powerful awakening to the mystical, nondual, Ground of Being while sitting in meditation with spiritual teacher, Andrew Cohen. In this classic enlightenment experience he saw through the illusion of time and self to the eternal as did his teacher and his teachers teacher before him, the great Ramana Maharshi.

Mick, together with his wife Debora Prieto, offer a transformative mentoring- coaching process combining practical exercises from The Uncommon Path, core aspect of Ken Wilbers Integral Theory, with Genpo Roshis Big Mind Process, Spiral Dynamics and the teachings of Andrew Cohens groundbreaking work on Evolutionary Enlightenment.

Gary Renard, a best-selling author, said this book is "informative and gripping". Washington Times syndicated journalist said that The Uncommon Path is a "Universally powerful, yet intimate message.

Fine Tune You

Fine Tune You with Helen, banner
Show Host

Intuitive Counselor
Transformational Coach
Guided Imagery Expert

Holistically Balanced Living has given me the passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self to survive the stresses and challenges of daily life with deep peace and boundless love.

With passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self
I journey through this world
and live the principles I teach

“Besides practicing holistic self-development disciplines for over forty years; additional formal studies have deepened my knowledge and qualifications. In addition to being a wife… mother… and grandmother… I am an Intuitive Counselor, Transformational Coach, and Guided Imagery expert. As a graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Theology I have a master’s degree in Metaphysics and am working toward my doctorate in Metaphysics and Holistic Ministries.”

Fine Tune YoU
Mind... Body... Spirit...
Holistically Balanced Living

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