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Crystal Temple Presents, June 25, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Rev. Bill Magick on Hoodoo! Originally from San Antonio, Texas Rev. Bill as we affectionately know him as, apprenticed as a traditional Curandero / Shaman under prominant practicioners in San Antonio & Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and moved to the Pacific NorthWest in 1984.  Rev. Bill has dedicated his life to spiritual and intuitive development. Also an eternal student, constantly researching new ways in which to better help his clients, as well as finding additional techniques in which to continually develop himself. Bill holds a B.S. in Philosophy (University of Sedona). A teacher as well, he has taught others how to develop their own abilities. He considers it a personal goal of his to continually bring awareness about the Light and Ascension to the general public. 

Crystal Temple Presents

Crystal Temple Presents with Amanda Jones and David Recht, banner
Amanda Jones and David Recht

Our goal for Crystal Temple is to provide a support environment for accessing our holistic nature. As people do this they empower themselves in all aspects of their life! At this time on Earth, a rapid evolution is taking place from within mankind. We offer the tools, training and group support to put people in control of their growth! The path we offer draws support from the many beings on the spiritual realms. The work we do at the Temple addresses Body, Mind and Spirit in a holistic fashion and many are joining us to step forward and empower themselves in these times of change.

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