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Connecting The Light, October 5, 2007

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Richard Blackstone was my guest, an international speaker, author of as self published book "NUTS & BOLTS SPIRITUALITY", Waking Up the Sleepwalkers, for which he received "America's Next Top Author" Award from Conscious One  He believes he can make a difference to our lives, and that we are here to create the lives of our intentions and desires. His inspiration came from Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws" and the God books of Neale Donald Walsch. 

Connecting The Light

Connecting The Light with Mike Quinsey, banner
Show Host
Mike Quinsey

I am married with two sons Alan and Colin. My wife Cathy supports me but prefers to keep out of the way. I started out life with very much orthodox views regularly attending a Protestant Church. I was never totally at home with their teachings, and as I got older completely turned my back on them. Having made a clean start I went my own way about finding the truth. I searched for it by going back to ancient times and became fascinated by Ancient Egypt. It was in the early 70's that I found Edgar Cayce's readings about Egypt and Atlantis, and this set me off trying to find out more about those periods. This lead me to a society called The Atlanteans and I immediately felt at home with their teachings from Helio Arcanophus, which means "High Priest of the Sun" as he was called in Atlantean times. I soon started my own Branch, and also formed a section in support of The Universal Network under Tuella, who channelled Ashtar. I also formed Galacticom Europa to distribute tapes and messages through Carole Hall, also from Ashtar. At the same time I started my own magazine called The Messenger.

I have had a few UFO sightings, and the most convincing one was in the early 80's. I was driving home alone after attending a private meeting to develop mind to mind contact with ET's. As I was driving down a hill I suddenly noticed a large circular silver/blue craft which had come from behind me and appeared in my windscreen. It was going very slow and it appeared to pulsate, leaving a partial image behind it. It was in sight for only about 10 seconds and disappeared over some rooftops.

I really came into my own after I retired in December 1999. I upgraded my computer and joined the Internet. In December 2003 I found that the treeofthegoldenlight invited E.T. articles to be placed on their web. I was accepted and now have a series of them in place. One day, Nancy Tate of the daily Wake Up Calls told me St. Germain wanted a word with me, and I was asked to sit at my computer each morning to take messages. This was in March 2004 and ever since I have received them every day from Monday to Saturday. Now I am taking another step in response to Donald Newsom's kind offer to allow me a regular program on his BBS Radio.

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