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Bill Martinez Live, May 31, 2024

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Bill Martinez Live
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Guests, Liz Peek, Deroy Murdock, Jon Fleetwood, Dan Schneider, and Adam Holz

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 237 Of The Israel Hamas War, The Verdict On President Trump Has Been Reached.  Guilty on all 34 counts And

In Sum, Trump’s Defense Focuses On Accounting, Prosecution Obsesses Over Adultery

3 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Liz Peek- The verdict on President Trump has been reached.  Guilty on all 34 counts. Have voters already moved on?  Next step, Appeals Court. Plus, Americans aren’t falling for the Biden spin machine’s lies about the economy. The Fox News Contributor and Wall Street Analyst reports.

9:32-9:58a ET- Deroy Murdock- In Sum, Trump’s Defense Focuses on Accounting, Prosecution Obsesses Over Adultery.  In closing arguments, attorneys seemed to address two different cases. Take it from the Manhattan based Fox News Contributor and contributing editor of National Review Online who was in the court room when it came down.

10:06-10:29a ET- Jon Fleetwood- Jon of reports the latest on the apparently incoming bird flu pandemic. Will they push mRNA drugs on us again? Is bird flu a bioweapon?

10:32-10:42a ET- Dan Schneider- A new study from the Media Research Center shows OpenAI’s ChatGPT cannot seem to recall five of the many, many lies President Joe Biden has told over the years. MRC researchers asked the artificial intelligence chatbot what the “top five biggest lies” that Biden and former President Donald Trump have told. The chatbot claimed that for Biden it “can’t list specific lies without context or verification.” Yet, it had no problem listing off five debated comments that Trump has made. MRC’s VP of Free Speech America, has the latest.

10:46-10:58a ET- Adam Holz- The Director for Focus on the Family’s talks about our culture, family-friendly movies, streaming and DVD’s.

Headlined Show, Bill Martinez Live May 31, 2024

Breaking News, Day 237 Of The Israel Hamas War, The Verdict On President Trump Has Been Reached. Guilty on all 34 counts.
Broadcast Date

Breaking News, Day 237 Of The Israel Hamas War, The Verdict On President Trump Has Been Reached.  Guilty on all 34 counts. And

In Sum, Trump’s Defense Focuses On Accounting, Prosecution Obsesses Over Adultery

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Liz Peek- The verdict on President Trump has been reached.  Guilty on all 34 counts. Have voters already moved on?  Next step, Appeals Court. Plus, Americans aren’t falling for the Biden spin machine’s lies about the economy. The Fox News Contributor and Wall Street Analyst reports.

9:32-9:58a ET- Deroy Murdock- In Sum, Trump’s Defense Focuses on Accounting, Prosecution Obsesses Over Adultery.  In closing arguments, attorneys seemed to address two different cases. Take it from the Manhattan based Fox News Contributor and contributing editor of National Review Online who was in the court room when it came down.

10:06-10:29a ET- Jon Fleetwood- Jon of reports the latest on the apparently incoming bird flu pandemic. Will they push mRNA drugs on us again? Is bird flu a bioweapon?

10:32-10:42a ET- Dan Schneider- A new study from the Media Research Center shows OpenAI’s ChatGPT cannot seem to recall five of the many, many lies President Joe Biden has told over the years. MRC researchers asked the artificial intelligence chatbot what the “top five biggest lies” that Biden and former President Donald Trump have told. The chatbot claimed that for Biden it “can’t list specific lies without context or verification.” Yet, it had no problem listing off five debated comments that Trump has made. MRC’s VP of Free Speech America, has the latest.

10:46-10:58a ET- Adam Holz- The Director for Focus on the Family’s talks about our culture, family-friendly movies, streaming and DVD’s.

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live
Show Host
Bill Martinez

Our Nationally Syndicated Show, which is now in 300+ markets across the country via GCN, CRN, Red State Radio, KRLA and other terrestrial stations. Plus we air weekly through iHeart's TV YouTube podcast distribution of over 140 channels, and every major radio portal and podcast portal on the world-wide-web.

I believe our missions complement one another, presenting God's truth as it relates with current cultural events.  This is how Hamilton Strategies describes us: "Bill Martinez Live is a nationally syndicated talk radio program that is committed to solutions over partisanship, involvement over invalidation, and the United States over party politics. For the past fifteen years, Bill’s show has consistently been one of the most popular shows that our guests request to be on. He listens and responds with engaging questions and interaction with our authors and newsmakers. His audience is active and engaged." 

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