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Bill Martinez Live, May 24, 2024

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Bill Martinez Live
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Guests, Liz Peek, Steve Bonta, Dr Jerry Newcombe, Joe Mantegna, and Adam Holz

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 230 Of The Israel Hamas War, Liz Peek On Another Surprising Reason Joe Biden Should Now Step Aside, Recently Unsealed Documents Reveal That FBI Agents Were Ready To Use “Deadly Force” In The Raid On Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Residence In August 2022

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Liz Peek- Another surprising reason Joe Biden should now step aside. Though Vice President Harris’ approval ratings are still poor, she is arguably more capable now than President Biden.  Not exactly a high bar there.  Is America really ready for another four years of Biden Harris and Democrat policies featuring Bidenflation, Open Borders, and even higher taxes? The Fox News Contributor and Wall Street Analyst reports.

9:32-9:58a ET- Steve Bonta- Recently unsealed documents reveal that FBI agents were ready to use “deadly force” in the raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022. Documents say FBI agents were prepared to engage Trump’s Secret Service agents as well as Trump. Considering the FBI’s high degree of corruption and track record of targeting the Deep State’s political enemies, the pressing question is if the raid was really a ploy to kill Trump. With the latest details, the Executive Senior Editor who writes on economics, foreign affairs and American politics for The New American magazine.

10:06-10:29a ET- Dr Jerry Newcombe- Remembering Valley Forge and the Extraordinary Sacrifice of the Men Who Fought in the War for American Independence.  The Executive Director of the Providence Forum, an offshoot of the D James Kennedy Ministries takes a historical look at why Memorial Day makes all other holidays possible.

10:32-10:42a ET- Joe Mantegna- The Tony-winning actor and Emmy-Award-winner Gary Sinise with actress Mary McCormack, long-time supporters of veterans’ causes and our troops in active service, once again are coming together for the 35th annual National Memorial Day Concert.  Broadcast live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the Concert will air on PBS nationwide Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 8pm ET/7CT.

10:46-10:58a ET- Adam Holz- The Director for Focus on the Family’s talks about our culture, family-friendly movies, streaming and DVD’s.

Headlined Show, Bill Martinez Live May 24, 2024

Broadcast Date

Breaking News, Day 230 Of The Israel Hamas War, Liz Peek On Another Surprising Reason Joe Biden Should Now Step Aside, Recently Unsealed Documents Reveal That FBI Agents Were Ready To Use “Deadly Force” In The Raid On Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Residence In August 2022

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Liz Peek- Another surprising reason Joe Biden should now step aside. Though Vice President Harris’ approval ratings are still poor, she is arguably more capable now than President Biden.  Not exactly a high bar there.  Is America really ready for another four years of Biden Harris and Democrat policies featuring Bidenflation, Open Borders, and even higher taxes? The Fox News Contributor and Wall Street Analyst reports.

9:32-9:58a ET- Steve Bonta- Recently unsealed documents reveal that FBI agents were ready to use “deadly force” in the raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022. Documents say FBI agents were prepared to engage Trump’s Secret Service agents as well as Trump. Considering the FBI’s high degree of corruption and track record of targeting the Deep State’s political enemies, the pressing question is if the raid was really a ploy to kill Trump. With the latest details, the Executive Senior Editor who writes on economics, foreign affairs and American politics for The New American magazine.

10:06-10:29a ET- Dr Jerry Newcombe- Remembering Valley Forge and the Extraordinary Sacrifice of the Men Who Fought in the War for American Independence.  The Executive Director of the Providence Forum, an offshoot of the D James Kennedy Ministries takes a historical look at why Memorial Day makes all other holidays possible.

10:32-10:42a ET- Joe Mantegna- The Tony-winning actor and Emmy-Award-winner Gary Sinise with actress Mary McCormack, long-time supporters of veterans’ causes and our troops in active service, once again are coming together for the 35th annual National Memorial Day Concert.  Broadcast live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the Concert will air on PBS nationwide Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 8pm ET/7CT.

10:46-10:58a ET- Adam Holz- The Director for Focus on the Family’s talks about our culture, family-friendly movies, streaming and DVD’s.

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live
Show Host
Bill Martinez

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I believe our missions complement one another, presenting God's truth as it relates with current cultural events.  This is how Hamilton Strategies describes us: "Bill Martinez Live is a nationally syndicated talk radio program that is committed to solutions over partisanship, involvement over invalidation, and the United States over party politics. For the past fifteen years, Bill’s show has consistently been one of the most popular shows that our guests request to be on. He listens and responds with engaging questions and interaction with our authors and newsmakers. His audience is active and engaged." 

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