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Bill Martinez Live, May 21, 2024

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Bill Martinez Live
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Guests, Dr Michael Busler, Jeff Kemp, Col Eric Buer, Dr George Barna, and Al Perrotta

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, Day 227 Of The Israel Hamas War, Bidenomics Caused A Decline In Americans’ Standard Of Living, The War Between Good And Evil Rages On It Would Seem Like Never Before In Our Lifetime And, Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi Has Died In A Helicopter Crash

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Dr Michael Busler- Bidenomics caused a decline in Americans’ standard of living. Bidenomics is not geared to provide optimum economic outcomes but rather to try to reach social and climate change goals.  While the Democratic Party has a long history of pursuing social justice through economic policies, Biden’s policies are way out of balance. The public policy analyst, and economics professor talks about this and more economic news you need to hear.

9:32-9:42a ET- Jeff Kemp- The war between good and evil rages on it would seem like never before in our lifetime. This past Pentecost Sunday reminded us of God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us.  He gave us His Spirit to overcome evil and this world.  Our marriages, families and those around us need us to step up. My good friend, man of God, former NFL quarterback and ministry leader discusses.  

9:46-9:58a ET- Col Eric Buer- Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash in a remote, mountainous area of Iran's northwest. Raisi’s death comes just weeks after Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel. Mystery surrounds the crash, and details are still tricking in. The Marine Lt Colonel has flown dozens of attack helicopter missions across Middle East hotspots and knows the terrain well. He is also the author of Ghosts of Baghdad, a true story that chronicles the Marine attack helicopter pilot’s authentic and compelling firsthand account of the opening days and nights of the Iraq War.

10:06-10:29a ET- Dr George Barna- Amidst growing dissatisfaction with the state of the nation, a new report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University is shedding new light on the underlying cause behind the continual decay of American culture. The Director of Research at Arizona Christian University's Cultural Research Center and author of Raising Spiritual Champions has the details.

10:32-10:58a ET- Al Perrotta- Al’s Afternoon Tea: ‘Butcher of Tehran’ Killed in Helicopter Crash, New Study Turns Trans Suicide Talking Point Upside Down, Plus, a special invitation to Washington, DC from Bunni Pounds! The Stream’s Washington bureau chief has the latest.

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live
Show Host
Bill Martinez

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I believe our missions complement one another, presenting God's truth as it relates with current cultural events.  This is how Hamilton Strategies describes us: "Bill Martinez Live is a nationally syndicated talk radio program that is committed to solutions over partisanship, involvement over invalidation, and the United States over party politics. For the past fifteen years, Bill’s show has consistently been one of the most popular shows that our guests request to be on. He listens and responds with engaging questions and interaction with our authors and newsmakers. His audience is active and engaged." 

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