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Bill Martinez Live, June 24, 2024

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Bill Martinez Live
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Guests, Ken Abromowitz, Dr John Lott, Phil Hotsenpiller, Kinga Phipps, and Gary Schneeberger

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, 133 Days To Vote The Government You Want, Day 262 Of The Israel Hamas War, Putin and Kim Jong Un Sign Aggression Pact And Biden Gun Regulations Don’t Affect Mass Shootings

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

9:06-9:29a ET- Ken Abromowitz- While our National Security operations have been distracted by Ukraine, Terrorists in the homeland, open borders, Middle East and Iran rising, you have Russia’s Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un aligning an aggression pact.  Should we be concerned?  The author of The Multifront War: Defending America From Political Islam, China, Russia, Pandemics, and Racial Strife. He is the founder of, a website dedicated to saving Western Civilization from itself.

9:32-9:58a ET- Dr John Lott- Biden Gun Regulations Don’t Affect Mass Shootings. The Media Say Crime Is Going Down. Is It?  Yet another lie perpetrated by our biased political propaganda media. Are they putting us in danger?  The president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and the author of “Gun Control Myths” also breaks down the latest SCOTUS gun control decisions.

10:06-10:29a ET- Phil Hotsenpiller- Amazon Urged to Censor Books Countering Govt Narrative During COVID Pandemic.  Documents obtained by the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government revealed that Amazon was pressured by the Biden administration to remove books that contained messages contrary to the government narrative during the COVID-19 pandemic. The President and Founder of American Faith reports.

10:32-10:42a ET- Kinga Philipps- With June recognized as great outdoors month, now is the perfect time to plan an outdoor adventure, and there’s no better place than the sunshine state. Here to help you plan your Florida getaway is the thrill seeker and adventure journalist.  She’s teaming up with visit Florida to showcase the many outdoor opportunities available in the sunshine state.

10:46-10:58a ET- Gary Schneeberger- Louisiana has just become the first state to require publicly funded schools to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom. ‘Focus on the Family’s assistant to the president for media relations explains, “The law, set to take effect in 2025, is already under fire from liberal advocacy groups that allege it violates the "separation of church and state."

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live
Show Host
Bill Martinez

Our Nationally Syndicated Show, which is now in 300+ markets across the country via GCN, CRN, Red State Radio, KRLA and other terrestrial stations. Plus we air weekly through iHeart's TV YouTube podcast distribution of over 140 channels, and every major radio portal and podcast portal on the world-wide-web.

I believe our missions complement one another, presenting God's truth as it relates with current cultural events.  This is how Hamilton Strategies describes us: "Bill Martinez Live is a nationally syndicated talk radio program that is committed to solutions over partisanship, involvement over invalidation, and the United States over party politics. For the past fifteen years, Bill’s show has consistently been one of the most popular shows that our guests request to be on. He listens and responds with engaging questions and interaction with our authors and newsmakers. His audience is active and engaged." 

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