Ascension Keys to Self Mastery, October 5, 2010
Anrita Melchizedek on the Light Body/Merkaba. The Light Body/Merkaba is a living, Divine Intelligence powered by your Christed mind working in alignment with Mother/Father God. It is the Ascension Vehicle of Light used for interdimensional travel, taking you in Soul consciousness into the higher dimensions; and as you step further into Self Mastery, you experience the possibility of physically being able to travel in this Ascension Vehicle or Merkaba Vehicle of Light beyond the speed of common light. The Light Body/Merkaba field extends approximately 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you when fully activated and holds all the codes for the activation of the dormant DNA. This activation further assists in creating a radiant, etheric, electronic body of Light, the perfect Adam Kadmon blueprint. Additionally, the Light Body/Merkaba field links you into to the Christ Consciousness grid within and around the Earth plane, and into the unified hologram of Love of all Life on this Earth plane. Once the Light Body/Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the platonic solids are also activated, as are the higher earthly rays. The platonic solids are the cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and in the Light Body/Merkaba activation, you became an extension of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within the Christ Consciousness grid. In addition, through this sacred geometry, you hold within your subconscious the thought forms and patterns of each atom and molecule on this Earth plane, animate or inanimate. Anrita takes you through a deeper understanding of the Light Body/Merkaba plus the gift of seven Light attunements.
Ascension Keys to Self Mastery

Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3's, CD's and audio DVD's, as well as vibrational energy products. In her personal capacity, Anrita is an author, channel, star ambassador and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates primarily on a global level.
Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anrita's teaching style is uplifting and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery.