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Angel Talk, July 23, 2023

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Angel Talk
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The Keys to Heaven are Hidden within Sacred Prayer

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young

Title: The Keys to Heaven are Hidden within Sacred Prayer

Description: We are given a choice, some will take the easy way and believe it is right, but those whose faith is so solid will see the truth that will allow them the key to gain entrance into a world of creation that awaits us.  One way unlocks the gates and the other will leave you waiting outside.

Headlined Show, Angel Talk July 23, 2023

The Keys to Heaven are Hidden within Sacred Prayer
Broadcast Date

Title: The Keys to Heaven are Hidden within Sacred Prayer

Description: We are given a choice, some will take the easy way and believe it is right, but those whose faith is so solid will see the truth that will allow them the key to gain entrance into a world of creation that awaits us.  One way unlocks the gates and the other will leave you waiting outside.

Angel Talk

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Jim Young and Sandy Young

Rev. Jim and Sandy Young of the Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing, offer a broad area of understanding and spiritual awareness. We empower and help you to unravel the mystery of mysteries of the ancient text and its application to life. We cover topics from biblical, earth changes, energy healing, metaphysics, inspirational subjects and more. Our objective is to awaken the mind and soul to unlimited possibilities.

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -o-
4:00 pm CT
4:55 pm CT
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