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2022 Election Roundtable, October 27, 2022

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2022 Election Roundtable
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with Rudy Giuliani

2022 Election Roundtable with Rudy Giuliani

2022 Election Roundtable

2022 Election Roundtable with Rudy Giuliani
Show Host
Rudy Giuliani

As we see our country spiraling out of control with record high inflation, government overreach, government crazy spending, record high fentanyl deaths, Mexican cartels controlling our southern border, deplorable foreign policy, and an out of touch administration, the American people are looking for hope. 

The only way to reverse this express train toward Marxism, is by voting for candidates who put your liberties and the Country's safety first.

The Election Roundtable will introduce you to candidates across the country!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello this is Rudy Giuliani and we are live with

a special and the special is going to be on the election 2024 which is coming up very soon and I know that all of you I am sure all of you are quite anxious about it and you probably don't if you don't do that unless you have a great interest in you have a great interest in politics

and a great interest in the things that are that are going on in politics so

I am going to make one more connection when Ted gets back so that where can I get all the people that wear that we're going to be discussing things with but I thought I would start a B I thought I would just

I thought I would start with

eat a 2022 election

so I got to make sure that all lights are on

and I have the right I have the right connection to the lights from there

so that everybody can remind me for that every Friday to get to hear everybody get together again

because we're trying to provoke you to get involved in this discussion because that's how we learned that we're in a week in a week in which we we had several very very crucial

I would say the two

would be in the following order of importance

order of importance of a 10 would be the

debate between Sherman and partially because it had so much National interest driven by sentiment conditions would be up

the debate between governor

or should she be call interim. Probably not that's not fair he is actually bylaws but she's not the electric she was

Andrew Cuomo's Lieutenant. You would think in Most states would be a liability for her

Governor driven out of years of democratic governors

and I could go through the record for you

highest taxed state in the country the state with the largest number of people leaving

one of the states that people least want to live in because of cost of living

escape with an epidemic of crime at one time when there was crime was pretty much confined to New York City the city with the most crime this way

so that's out without any question


that makes that makes certain

that what we're dealing with is a very very serious situation so for those of us who were joining us now



Maya Cohen Show and you will be able to call in as soon as if you want but I am going to begin and first like set the ground

from approximately 1990

New York for 1994 a nice station 1996 crime began to use my own city which is the leading City for private life RAV4 from 1994 until 2020 the year in which I think Lauren order ended in discussion

Prime continuously declined

in New York

then after awhile in many many of the foot

many reasons for it but a lot of the reasons for 80-90 per cent was much stricter application of the law in New York based on program that we initiated meaning of my Administration in the Bloomberg Administration carried on and in

in the rest of the country are also the benefits that we got from state and federal legislation rest of the country a similar group of local actions affect the rest of the country the federal government play probably a stronger role in the crime bill of 1994 after about two years was it major play on the second bill that was passed by a bipartisan support and it's now been bitterly abandoned bye-bye and Schumer who played with me in passing

so I stick to my city to some extent now for the United States crime in the city that was considered the crime Capital fifty 60% people were giving people who want to come to New York instructions on how not to be the victim of a crime


what happened very simply is we came in with a massive program that included things that are familiar to you but warrants and the broken windows Theory theory of Doctor James Q Wilson from Harvard statistic analysis of crime as a basis for making strategic decisions about 5

application of specific programs for specific kinds of climb over the course of 8 years I'd say twelve different strategy strategy for domestic violence which is very very different that auto which were different and mugging to take place elsewhere given the way in which they were performed the overall problem of drugs which permeated the city contributed to probably 30% or more of the I'm sorry 70% of more of the crime from

those started in 94 even buy even by late 94 and early 95 that you can to show it's a fact that it was a massive reduction in the number of people we call squeegee Operator Operator for people who walk into traffic and offered at first to do your windows and then next door to get the windows and I'm going to stay gone from a distance

maybe even saw me in some way for the young children and would do it activity to if it actually taking all the button

that was our first mission to get rid of them just really really for symbolic purposes

no sweat ft the broken windows Theory

and I will just said you got to pay attention to small things not to fix things or the small thing will have an impact on the beach on the beach


we did that rhyme with John traumatically I could go into much more detail about that and then we come to 28 how does that change the nation Point 2020 was a

was it instruction and encourage Direction

an example

that was widely circulated

horror movie would have been maybe one of the biggest movies of all time playlist self out on National Television at a time when people didn't have much to do and watching a television with one of the few things they could do when they were locked in their home rightly or wrongly and what they deserved

2020 and 2020 100 of violent protests

disguise that you do not really violent

brought about by two and a history Atticus groups want a communist probably the other also one acknowledges the kind of this matter and a group dedicated to the killing the police officer the vocation that every one of their protest and they claim they have peaceful protests but even if they will say you know blanket fry em like bacon and then some of the people in the hospital more than injured police officer Central police officer in the billions of dollars bunch of It's a small business

oh that's terrible over that we've witnessed before the change the psyche of the American criminal we witnessed a large-scale invasion of store big and small

we watch Lawless criminals

take out the items in those stores in a violent one

and instead of watching what we normally would expect the interruption of that or not it's not all of it some of it by the police what we witnessed instead was the police Reserve

back usually across the street not getting involved and letting them take everything out of Macy's they wanted to take everything out of the shoe store they wanted to take everything that becomes a

that was a big thing happening a lot of them during the hours of the Primetime soap operas and dramas on television tonight


the average honest American it was just playing.

if you watch the

you wash the retail Invasion small or March in Los Angeles has had those are almost direct replicas of the black lives matter and antifa riots that would not condemn by the den presidential candidate of the Democrat Party not condemned by any Democrat tacitly really offended as necessary because the violation of Civil Rights was so great that theory was at the murder George Floyd was so horrendous better than tired of you to destroy entire city of innocent people

that you. My goodness you couldn't contain yourself as a result of the death of this great man such a horrible way and therefore people were going to be able to destroy school property and other people to the point of death and killing other people that got burnt building they were going to attack they were going to attack outside those reasons and friends and the police were expected to allow it because he should be understood

I finally it's that it was even worse since this was deep number of the pandemic and everybody else was locked up inside having to wear masks if they were outside not being allowed to go into large protest nothing loud to go to church because the black lives matter and they would March in the thousands and thousands and linking arms you can see them kissing you can you can see themselves in very close proximity most often without Macon but sometimes I'm doing all the things that dr. fauci and told us were prohibited and dr. fauci for since proven to be a scoundrel was

defending it

Andrew and absurd Democratic Governors were staying with him watching the civil rights as if that's a cure or if you march because

prices in the grocery store have gone up too much of dick but if you march because somebody was killed in Minnesota and you don't like the way they will chill and you

destroy property because you're entitled to it because that's what that way and you steal property because you are entitled to when you're not going to get lost among other things I don't like to read expensive entire and complete disrespect for the law but it also created a whole Distortion of science to the point of insanity

that unleashes the next year 21 in which approximately 17 cities that records now that they're almost all if not all governed by Democrat mayor she was supportive of those tactics and many of them are neighbors that allowed them to have it many of those cities have district attorneys that will elected with the intervention the most of George Soro they were no work they were just returning to a put there to undermine the system of justice they will be there like sometimes a combination of a mayor and a district attorney like in Philadelphia checks just now setting the record for the most murders

all this exists now and the 2022 election takes place in the middle of that so

the number one issue is crying in much of a bear

I will take another step, me and the fact that every day that someone buy something to pay more does it matter if they do things are a lot of things that pay more for the head of the household and do the do the shopping for weather for the for the food they're paying bills that are considerably

you know higher then they have been over the past

I see something like this. Go back 40 years they would have no recollection of the time where there was inflation of eight nine ten 12% I would because I'm a lot of old go straight back to Jimmy Carter Sound by Ronald Reagan this one will have to be solved by a Republican president because all that

Let's Chill by Vangelis and to the spending and when asked what to do about it Mr Spider-Man who wants to be the senator from Pennsylvania but doesn't say what what are you going to do about

what are you about inflation and what he said was more

he didn't say a specific like more of


more religious and moral beliefs of the reserve so we have none case there's an attack or an emergency ice pretty responsible to do what she's done that so we gave no strategy

until a few weeks ago

because of the intervention of the of the issue of abortion with the way we describe the opinion accurately and and not shooting to Hysteria

the decision did not Dan Rowan split the decision because it was traditional eat within our separation of powers separation of powers and determination

when that happened did you ever crash

I will spin on it you there out Lori abortion

well there's nothing in that decision that abortion

Middle Ground

Hitman 2

they left it up to bring it to moxie this country and determine from different places will there be different ways of approaching

I was quite some time however that was drowned out

and the Democrat version spin your wheel on it prevailed which is the sterical Democrats are taking a right away from women

things calm down as it was probably older or the actual nature of it and what it was was an opportunity for the state to Fashion what it's the morality and the decency of the particular states in the restrictions of 13 14 15 16 17 18 weeks where you can afford a child before it's born

and there is a question as to whether or not there's a certain Grace. For the child be born to fight and there are a number of that that is quite plain you destroying the child is back over the course of the last 3 months I'm sure in the womb murdering the baby baby on you. And then disposed of his body parts


things to do which makes one Wonder since we do it so often now

was it done to the soul of this nation

is it one of the reasons why this nation seems to have trouble and hearing to a set of values than she was understanding round things of all responsibility

from a tissue

but it was not one that's going to be better than this

play Dramatical Democratic Lillian to take me to wait for the Democratic model comes to record from, that's precisely how he wanted a child educated by the state and he's come pretty close now to a job mandatorily educated by the state

and that has gone as far as allowing teachers and administrators and help resolve the child that although they're dressed as and think there are bored in my very well be a girl as a child gets enough in the child can make the decision

I do not have I not have a better way to describe it. I know there will be one of your private part it may be for the purpose of turning yourself into a

what is mutilation of a body part is mutilation

the tragedy of this


members of the Shacks they start

and this is a battle of this electric make make no mistake about it Democrats are very very very

driven to the government decides it's probably because even if your Democrats agree with more of us you get to decide Viewpoint majority of the party is already sent them about their position and you're you're wonderful representative supporting A boat like that but do you like it or not.

listen to have to be considered very very careful and take a short break we back at you and

no thank you

is Rudy Giuliani back there with you

call the mayor



I ordered you to call us

and asked us about these elections through three of them but you may want us to go through another one I'm going to go through the three that resulted in the the beach this week or the most prominent cerveza call number is 888-627-6008 that's +888-627-008-3247 to 44851

8 867-6008 that is the call-in number

so now that we've quick weave short outline of the the

the lay of the land in this election and the major issues being crime

the economy and abortion could also stay open border and drugs

I think we don't mind the name

now let's look at individual races the overall generic ballot when you ask why you're going to vote for Republican or Democrat if it's usually relates to the, not necessarily the gubernatorial races but they may and they are there are significant gubernatorial races going on like the one it's a 4944 split in favor of Republicans that is very very rare Republicans usually do not do well in these matchups when they win rather large victories in the House and Senate

2010 Ford van

I've even or behind in the generic ballot in the same was true and when the English Revolution so I don't know what to do

so I don't know what to make of the four-point lead I don't know what you make it bad as it's going to be a big Landslide because when they were down by two or four they were for is there something wrong or become more accurate

in the house very strongly for the Republicans in the Senate

even to now kind of tipping toward the Republic critical because either the policies and programs provided ministration of going to be interrupted by the check and balance of a Republican

mcgard which can put a

which would you put your brain to an ad for a lot of what is going on with the economy and all the bills have given up basically one vote in most cases with us again

Robert E Willis get were yes I am ready I'm here can you hear me okay I can't hear you okay so what's what's going on even made notes today might you know last time when we were on I know you had asked me that you had said tell tell you a little bit about me and then I didn't really do that very proficiently according to My Cousin Vinny who I thought you said you didn't even tell him anything

born in Maspeth Queens then lived in Woodhaven I'm sure you're familiar with all those areas right

yep yep then we moved out to Eastern Long Island as I grew up in East Patchogue I became mechanically proficient as I as I race Motocross and was an avid skier I am a professional electrician plumber Carpenter welder and machine operator I work for an inventor when we move to New Jersey on an experimental combustion engine for a company called Mary United and so I thought that something like that was all before I went into the family business for the hair salon business I actually invented my own combustion engine as well which I just did

been in politics

we just skipped your breaking up a bit but how did you become so rich

well I think I'm usually have interest and a knowledge of, but I just was wondering and what it is that made you so interested in politics what you know it's almost I I kind of found myself I got I think I got dragged into it by Anne Herring interest in how all things work in the world and yuman psychology seems to be where I'm most of my interest in time and efforts seem to be devoted to a little understanding of human psychology as I'm watching our country be destroyed it's almost the you know the necessity of inventor of the necessity is the mother of invention so I kind of I just found myself being gravitating toward all of these mechanisms that make the world go around and then and then you're a big part of that because you're one of them in my opinion the most sane voice really are on these matter

why do boys has a lot of people have a lot of good things to say but there's something about your way of understanding the world because after all look what you've done you know you've been there you've ran the biggest city in the world and do it and then I shall I find myself gravitating to you with that you know anything in the in the course of it all you know

and given the fact that you have been observing things a lot more carefully than most people given the nature of the opinions that you have and now she is just the worst you've ever seen it

absolutely I think this is the worst that everybody lives during the Depression or the second World War I don't think that you're not you're younger than me but what's your put aside the depression in the second world war and since then this has got to be the worst condition America's Best in photos there's no doubt about it and and in my family with my old my uncle's my mom and my uncles and my grandparents day escaped Germany back in the day when things were getting hot and heavy and also a lot of that belief down I guess through the family you know and then I do remember remember Carter with a disaster for the country I remember standing on line to get gas whether your license plate ended with an auger remember that

yep I find the gold very fascinating and then you know I'm so I do have a an observation about other that that that is predicated on once again that this fascinating aspect of human psychology house how their lending themselves to this this this this insane asylum that's become a country in so even though I know it's rude for the most part and it's funny how you should bring that up it's like I wrote I'm reading off of something I wrote right now which is almost tantamount to what you just asked me and I'm about to say for most of our lives our me and you play me political candidates running for high office mayors of large cities State Governors and of course presidential candidates based possession is for the most part and in many cases they go on to be presidential and that's what we trying to come to understand what our political system you know for the better or worse that usually was that was

a good framing of what you would expect then we come to the era of feckless and then you have the nutcases like Pelosi Liz Cheney AOC Adam Schiff Hillary Clinton Jerry Nadler de Blasio now Adam know there were a couple days to be sure then you graduate to the days where now you have Hocus Pocus hoco caramel pudding for brains Harris lonely Beetlejuice Lightfoot fetterman

did I know I know I know what you mean and then you got cetamin right look straight out of the cast and characters of Young Frankenstein not not to be outdone by the big man himself as he puts it all of which appear to be on some kind of psychological Spectrum these people are not normal human being there something actually about the existence and it's so so what are we going to get by the 1930s the Dems are going to come out and place a petri dish on the podium and the candidates would be amoeba and paramecium and then after the debate the totalitarian media pundits will explain that you have to understand that I m a meeting communicate with vibration frequencies and they're actually very intelligent

I don't I don't I don't exactly know how is happened to us that we are now with the candidates of the Absurd are Beyond number people number people meeting seven or eight people have said to me that they have never not only seen a worse today than fetterman and never even contemplated that they could be one

that was that bad activation people to get nervous they seem people to make mistakes they seem people that kind of self destruct to some extent by saying stupid things but I've never seen anyone honestly look like they were on some of the planet

it look like it look like he was when you washed it has it look like a hallway

show Begins the show I don't know how everyone goodnight I'll take it back to the nuthouse that mean I don't know if he has if he has brain damage from a from a stroke now I have had a number of friends who have had that and I just had myself then put in for a different route

but look what's thing in the world you want him to do with a stroke is in the year or two years recovering from a stroke to being a stressful job

I mean it's almost like you want to chill in the most stressful job possible the United States Senate at a time in which countries and price

when the Senate is about as stressful as it ever has been in the history about his nasty

ddddddd collegiality doesn't even exist anymore it was a time when it might have even been Pleasant to be in the snow I don't know if the house was was it the Democrats and the there was even a complaint sometimes I got to walk to what

no I think they look at each other and say it's because the other side might cause their assassination

if you ask me and you take a

it's unbelievable how much you think about how much we think alike because I literally said two people were released today that do they believe they understand that they are witnessing a revolutionary historical moment never has there been a person that stupid in a debate I mean it literally is it is unbelievable that that they would have been far worse than he was the one he debated Trump I wonder how he would debate now

but I think I'd better find the other day thinking that congresswoman was alive walking in the wrong direction thinking that came out call Jamel Harris the president after all this time so it depends on what kind of drugs did have them on if they have her if they catch the amazing I think that's what we'll talk okay yeah well I love you I love you I'll talk to you soon thank you so much

now we have another car


thanks for having me on can you hear me now I want to talk about the issue of crime of course you just such a fantastic job in the city of New York was it was cleaning up the streets fixing corrupt city government locking up the mob in your opinion how have why have Democrats gone so anti-police and why have they been defending Stone Cold criminals allowing them out of jail in your mind is this a mistake on their part do they see something I don't see how are they able to embrace this sort of policy and expect to win any elections fabulous question really critical to the crime problem that we have because unlike the other crime problems of the past

and this is one that's absolutely caused by their programs and their policies and their choice is another word you know sometimes when you have a prime epidemic thing to figure out is what's causing it because if you don't figure out what's causing you can stop right if I could just see you can't solve the disease until you figure out what's causing this is being caused by their policies and programmes by the oppressive

crime program which was embraced up until a few years ago only buy a portion of their party and I would say the minority for the more left-wing portion of the airport strangely like Biden Mansion Schumer was very strong anti-crime Democrat

this is the oddest thing but the two a lot of the changes in the 1990s with the crime bill of 1994 really is not an original document it goes back to the reporter James Q Wilson and Governor Thompson to Attorney General William French Miss in 1981 on what to do about violent front I'm almost everything in that bill was contained in that report things you hear about like the broken windows Theory you'll come out of that report so that was a very strong portion of the Democrat Party that was willing to be tough and I think about it a lot of the democratic constituencies are the victims of crime in fact when you consider that

you don't like in in in the cities where these murders take place which have fairly large black population it runs from 70 to 80%

black victimization

so when I tell you that the temple will killed or shot than 10 people

something is happening we're not cities of crazy people aren't espousing but they've been espousing two-year it's always had a crazy element 40 Criminal

deal with prime but just letting criminals out of jail

but there was a fight about in the Democrat Party my predecessor Ed Koch would constantly be criticizing liberal Democrat judges for releasing criminals

when they did have the power to hold them on there and didn't

remember that was a judge in New York called cut him loose Bruce every time you touch somebody looks to me whatever press conference

or Germany was focused on others you have a press conference and they were criticized him for interfering with the Judiciary and he would say that's as far as I remember this country has the First Amendment right it's my job to protect the public in good conscious I think these people are getting people murdered whichever irresponsible liberal was so the liberal philosophy left wing velocity is always been true tolerance of crime and starting with u Warren Court buildup in Norman enormous guarantees for criminals

Blue Magic that by distorting our constitution

go back by the time you get to the big crime Bureau of the seventies eighties and nineties

criminals were like if you can so easily screw up in the criminally back out on the street victims weren't considered at all nobody wanted to hear from the Victor so when I might want a person that'll be defended the only one that would stand up would be at the prosecutor and then the lawyer fee for the defendant and say all the terrible things that happened to this poor person and they didn't have a father and they were very poor and that's why they kill 5:50

none of the five people's family were allowed to stand up Mike at the judge to angry what's up what I'm trying to say he was all the basis was on let's be fair to the Primitive West that came out of the Democrat Party that's one of the main reasons I left the Democratic party way back in 7

it's always been the more quote criminal parties always wanted criminals to vote I'm sure if you'll look criminals both of them 70 or 80% but now it's become entirely that way

nobody will stand up to

the wackos like fetterman

why don't you release a third of the prison is just like any other

he wanted to at least give up the second-degree murder because he didn't think it was as serious as far as to promote there was something wrong with him and even before

are you get the free wai'ki position someone described them as like infants out positions to impress people

I got a strange background right you never work a day in his life

is that two government jobs where he doesn't show up very much

he has lived with his parents until he was 50

I need some more cuz they're very wealthy

and then he got married and I'm not going to say nothing about his wife but you go read about it

and I think he may still live with his parents and they still support

the kind of guy

self-made man

this is what I've got someone discovers a man shop and then of course he arrives around and dresses like I don't know he's some kind of a freaky wrestler or of

character in a horror movie or show me doesn't walk around dressed like a responsible adult

now you know you can dress anyway you want but I also have to fight to make conclusions about your level of maturity when you take the position that you take and say that you know second-degree murder should be released and that you should just find the police that's either a deliberately anarchistic position to support the movement of this country to a one world dominance or communist dominant or criminal yourself or

you're stupid

and then when you look at the glaring inconsistencies that he couldn't address

Chili's able to address to know if he can explain how two years ago he was vehement Lee Auntie fracket now he dramatically pro-fracking I don't know if he was able to answer that question he just kept repeating the same thing the woman slideshow to his prior quote and the second time that like you to where did he just repeated the second time it sound like it like a child who was charged with kindergarten to recite we took about an hour

to remember a big long pause and then he says

the question is before we send the tracking was the worst thing in the world that they would socialize met him three years ago we said that Bernie Bernie Sanders approach to single-payer which is the best time to socialize medicine is the best thing for America now he tells us

what are those two things are they is a liar he was before he got caught in lies before he had the stroke so maybe there are other problems here and giving some of his behavior like taking the gun out and threatening the black man I'll just got to put in the guys belly

with those crazy looking eyes

I don't know it would be unbelievably Disturbed if they were able to sell this to the people of Pennsylvania the way they sold by to America

play we now have a president that's completely broken down old school

what's the Muslim Americans because it was a responsible decision-making and we got a bunch of people don't really give a damn about America just care about the road for firment Edition and power cuz they won't they won't report that he cannot carry out the duties of President I say those aren't pictures

I was just the opposite of pictures well I think we've run out of time for this show is going to be on in about 2 minutes which was devoted to get you to call us if you don't cause I'm going to ask myself questions all right so will be

will be back will be back up with our calling call and show it'll it'll it'll continue on this email of the election feel free to try to show feel free to call in on any of the subject where you want information that you have observation the purpose of this show is to contribute in some small way to the preservation of free speech which is in Jeopardy in this country under Joseph dropping it by

thank you good night talk to you next Thursday I miss you and will talk to you in a few minutes on the nation is Rudy Giuliani God Bless America

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