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2022 Election Roundtable, October 20, 2022

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2022 Election Roundtable
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with Rudy Giuliani

2022 Election Roundtable with Rudy Giuliani

2022 Election Roundtable

2022 Election Roundtable with Rudy Giuliani
Show Host
Rudy Giuliani

As we see our country spiraling out of control with record high inflation, government overreach, government crazy spending, record high fentanyl deaths, Mexican cartels controlling our southern border, deplorable foreign policy, and an out of touch administration, the American people are looking for hope. 

The only way to reverse this express train toward Marxism, is by voting for candidates who put your liberties and the Country's safety first.

The Election Roundtable will introduce you to candidates across the country!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

this is Rudy Giuliani back with you again on Thursday afternoon between 5 and 6 I'll be vs

inside the 2022 election which now each week one week

so let's see if we can do an overall an overall


quick quick quick

you want to call in along the way you feel free to do that I'll give you the number right this minute if you don't have it 888-607-6008 8 867-6008 or you can do 323-724-4851 if you are over see how much do with the senate election first hasn't changed much since last week

or maybe I should say

it's made the kind of slight changes that races at this stage make of course I will be accused of being biased and I would ask you to take that into consideration I am a republican after all however I do think the last week has slid further in Republican Direction because as I look at the overall poll

for example

this is a poll by the morning consult to lytical serve it so

Politico is unless you've been somewhere in Mars for the last couple years very Democrats are the ones who originally published the massive Bible that the hard drive was Russian adjust information which turned out to be a fraud on the American people

both attack on Russia attacking a nuclear power and it turned out that of course the hard drive in computer to buy this one hundred percent sure he never denied it so he's now admitted it and the 51 intelligence officials are disgraceful life who just signed it without ever asking to see a single piece of evidence so they can interfere with the election and also create the possibility of hostility beyond the ones we already have between the United States and Russia

but their most recent

reported this way a staggering 93% of registered voters say their concern was inflation

was 71% very concerned since the reality is although you know Democrats are putting up very very

almost counterproductive dispatch

Biden has nothing to do with it

even the rise in the gasoline price at 50% of it took place before Putin like a glove on you and it is considerably higher than it was on the truck but that doesn't compare to the price of food the price of other items that are absolutely necessary the inability to get formula we're talking about depending on how you measure anywhere from an A to a 12% inflation year-over-year which also means as articles this week highlighted your 401k is worth 10% less than it was last year at this time or or your IRA or your bank account

or the salary that you're getting so if you got a 5% increase in salary you actually have 5% value of the dollar is damn it is the most devastating tax

that anyone can impose that sometimes it's imposed by the circumstances of the economy sometimes this imposed by extremely ridiculous idiotic ignorant and that's the case here it would buy I mean the price of energy is completely determined by the fact that the first day by came in the office and cancel the cancel most of the oil and gas projects He made it clear he wants to get rid of investment in Oil and Gas Energy independent country

people getting killed at the grocery store at the gas pump and just wait for the winter he might get away with a little of that because the winter hasn't started yet but it's supposed to be faster in Europe than for us pretty close to a disaster

83% of the people are concerned with inflation with the Democrat nominee is something that almost always favors the Republican there was a while here when the you know the ropes that case was reversed and she was sent back to the States for decision that abortion became the Democrats overplay their hand by saying that the decision outlawed abortion No Such Thing the decision return abortion to a decision to be made at the state level not at the Federal Constitution 11th so that a state like New York abortion up until the moment of birth which means you can kill a fetus at 8 or 9 months in New York with the Democratic left-wing Progressive legislators New York support when they pass the ability to murder

put a fully-formed children eight and nine months it's the thing that completely

turn me upside down and said the Democrats are extraordinarily dangerous political party

abortion is way down there now 3% then inflation 71% are very concerned 81% of Voters say the economy will play the major role in their November 8th choices clearly favors Republican since the Democratic cities are the ones that are producing or even the states that are Republican states that have high crime rates as a result of all the crime in Texas is in Democrat Democrat

you book at 8

you look like they'll get a state like Georgia all the primers in Fulton County

it's a whole Prime Steak if we take it out not only is Atlanta

contributes greatly to the crime in Georgia is one of the most dangerous cities in America of course exceeded by Philadelphia which set a record last year for homicide with her sorrows district attorney who is supported by the candidate for Democratic candidate for governor Shapiro and very strongly supported by the Democrats rather strange weird candidates for Senate fetterman doesn't appear to be able to understand the language translator through some kind of a strange program that converts it into another language that he can understand it and then he can just decide something about he released records from a doctor they were all inclusive ready and they gave you no hint as to who is cognitive impairment but when you hear him speak he sounds like he doesn't know what the hell is beyond that if you didn't know what he was talking about him when he was with the funding the police

he was for releasing approximately half the people from jail which he was a big supporter of President the DEA in Philadelphia was making sure do view of goes down and murder capital show Delphia has more murders right now the New York and Chicago come by but I thank you for the Democrat mayor and the Democrat district attorney and the Democratic attorney general was running for governor Shapiro and of course better than who support at all

why that wouldn't result in Oz and master winning

well the polls are closing in August with either tied over than two points and even though you've been like 25 points behind this cold really tells you the answer

when you get to abortion then Issue Number 6 on the west

and then that way down it is now who do who do they Trust on the economy they trust the Republican unempl and they trust Republicans on jobs on immigration they trust Republicans and on crime they trust Republicans on abortion they trust him

this is what you're saying

in the races that now are fighting it so

here's where we are on I have in front of me an interactive map that tries to bring together

the different toll my wife that usually like the real clear politics average I'll give you that too but just to show you where things are right now but

right now we've got the 49 Democrats locked in that means they're not up for re-election or they're going to be re-elected by California for example of New Yorker Illinois

we're not going to fight those Connecticut I don't know Connecticut is a long shot I mean long shot for Republican not sure I put it in the absolute definite 1000% category

I sure would put the Illinois California there

on the Republican side you got the same thing you got 49 locked in

so we're talkin about States like Alabama Arkansas Louisiana to in Oklahoma Indiana Kentucky

the Dakota South Carolina

now we get to which way is it breaking more

so we have

we got a h

that would be put in the likely category for four Democrats and four teen put in the life with a category four Republicans are the what are the toys up sticks so I could go republican or democrat in New Hampshire you have a general bulldog and Maggie Aspen Aspen Scott the money really got the issue has been brutally attacked with millions and billions of dollars as some type of a right-wing

media card to believe in general

is a right-wing Maniac than one who fought in the Afghan war

heroically by the way, when you listen to him he sounds like a really reasonable man including on abortion where he is not in favor of a national ban in favor of reasonable restrictions on the time Republicans know they want to end Medicare Medicaid know so that race

I could go either way and that if the Republicans would have win that

that would put them at the 50 bucks but not enough yet because they need one more

in order to get 251 which would secure their their their Victory and that's the Box

so Nevada is

Nevada is extremely extremely close

is Catherine Cortez masto the incumbent against out of my salt and it is a in terms of tolls

you got somewhere he's leading you got somewhere seriously I have one here from CBS News and you've got where he's leading by a Point Resort to take this back correct

here's here's the latest breakdown in in in in Poland

Pennsylvania the latest poll by Fox as a tie between settlement and and it has Shapiro up by 7:49 42 was given the fact that he was up by like 25 means that mess with the girl has the weed but mastriano has the momentum

momentum in election can be never so let's see if I would not give that Governor seat to the Democrats at this point I would call it leaning Democrat seven-point lead you got a grant that it is

mastriano in addition to being a personal friend is a great candidate and also a military hero 27 years of Colonel publishes story in a reasonable man who's been attacked as some kind of a right-wing

Maniac would be hardly hardly is already told you. Buy one that's right he was losing most of the time so that one is not much but it also shows the momentum is in his direction of the gubernatorial

that's between on Bartow and Cicero

so it looks like it's going to go down to the wire also

and probably be unpredictable by election day

North Carolina

in the senate race which was originally described as a I do is ever a toss-up but sort of questionable a questionable State North North Carolina now I would say is beyond a meeting say I would say it's a likely stay with the Republican candidates leading by four points

certainly not a definite but one that

one that looks okay

in Michigan the governor's race at where we have Whitmore and big big win for the Democrat what my daughter has had a children's it today Dixon and really because and she's also been a very very worse are carrying particular using the pandemic to bring out her socialist authoritarian you know everybody else can't go on vacation except her husband nobody else can go to dinner but somebody's got to her

and her family your stuff like that

and then and then probably kept the mandates alive longer than anyone else in and

enforce them with the enforce them with the spirit of an authoritarian you know what is biting you say semi fascist when he doesn't want to say maybe you should look in his own political party and the way they enforce these mandate to decide what's going on there

the woman's got a five-point lead we have to say that's leaning

I call you you democrat

you could you could argue that wouldn't count on it

origin tremendous surprise

Republican governor

30 years

Oregon has Portland which is you know

looks like they're broken down city in in the in the undeveloped part of China


everybody smokes dope and if they smoke dope you lucky I'm is it in the smoke marijuana in the lucky because more often or crack cocaine heroin or combinations in that could be laced with fentanyl on record overdoses and got record crime they got a police department that's down about 1/3 and nobody wants to stop there and I've got people in Manhattan visiting the come here from Portland and say the three four times more dangerous than New York City

so for that reason

the Republicans rason is ahead by 2 points

37035 Kojak roofing company governor and 17 for Johnson

and this one I'll go out on a limb

I think the Republicans going to win

because I think the people of are going to have no choice I mean you might as well say goodbye to Portland if you will let Coach act as the government

the police will be gone for Smith oil be gone everybody in the business

so it was back is up against the wall so now we get to my favorite state which which has come up with three poles reason all of them showing a race that is closed zeldin who's the Republican congressman from Long Island is now in each of these poles behind the worst one is about 8 points best ones about 4

and the latest one is which was taken by WNYT TV and

that's a six-point lead that used to be a 12 appointment

so we got three weeks the issues lineup

dramatically favorable to 2,000

whereas the economy is the number one issue most other places in New York City and New York State Crime is the number one is because it is under hoco way out of control

and truly her fault because she signed a law that provides that basically everybody gets out on bail and less your bird about 14 people and I also it doesn't allow judges to consider dangerous as a reason for holding it so if you get caught with a just a few know of a robbery but you know there's no evidence that you're a dangerous violence to anyone

estimate is about 5 to 7,000 criminals that otherwise would be in prison if we had a sensible state that the way it was put was if I was a problem

I will tell you from my own observation that's the conservative number so crime is up 40% this you want a number murder is down slightly violent crime is up dramatically and climb on the subway is epidemic which in New York is a big

big indicator of fear and slides and and we are suffering from the biggest flight In America which creates enormous financial problem this is why I think things are going to continue to tighten in that rain I don't think there's much good news they had some hope nor did she seem to be much of the candidate she is not articulate she's not energetic and she's got corruption problem she's got to pay for play scandal in which she gave a company a contract for covid testing and our she paid them two to three times more than California did and she got us three hundred million dollars that look like a bride which is the third time this has happened

he's also spending an excessive amount of money to build a football field for the Buffalo Bills outside of the City of Buffalo originally it was supposed to be in Buffalo had an accessory with unions from outside the state which contributed to her the worst of all husband is a major executive with the concession company that stands to make millions of should this new stadium

now that is Direct Buy in that promo that's the Democrat Party of today which is pay for play

so we have I believe we have a call from Rob and I thought we would take it so if we take a minute break in this run-down cuz I'm trying to give you a lot of information at 1 and then we'll double delicious but maybe we'll take a question from Rob and see what he has to say

hello Rudy yeah hi Rob how are you

are you doing this is Rob from Secaucus

so tell me how it how is things going now that we're five and every time I talk to Rob cuz it brings up the New York football Giants went out 5 + 1


you know I was listening to you earlier today on WABC as well as I do everyday and it's so obviously there's a big problem with crime you know it's a huge problem and you know it's at this point if it's beginning to filter over and across the river from New York and Secaucus cuz I talked to you the other day I'm maintenance guy who worked at my facility where my business is and he started mentioning to me and he's from Peru originally but he's been here as long as I can remember I always talk to him when I meet him out in the back cuz I'm getting in my car and he talked to me about right on the corner of Paterson Plank Road here at the corner of the plaza there are people walking around holding a sign saying please help me I'm from another country something like that in the blocking the traffic and I know it was a problem in the town and the police will call in the police really can't do anything about it

and I'm right around the same time I was driving and I have a van that I parked out in the parking lot for advertisement purposes and I saw something that I look like it was hanging from under the van and I immediately thought what the hell tell me somebody pulled at at the catalytic converter from the car and I'm hearing stories in the town generally speaking of crime is now up in Secaucus is it come through the tunnel and it's now before I do have to come if you got real a real loser of the government

how the heck you realized that guy asked me had so many old people killed in nursing homes I can't figure it out

I don't like Cuomo except he was actually warm Murphy was warrant

you know I have a theory about that and I don't know if I'm right or not but I believe that these Mayors and governors they got their marching orders from somebody somebody I don't know here I go with the conspiracy theories what CIA maybe who knows

what Trump did he put thousands of beds on a floating hospital and nobody ever used it what was that all about what was this but you can go back and look at for the New York Post because when this all started when the pandemic started Cuomo and new swim and Murphy were very complimentary of trump to a cooperating helping them with PPP getting I remember bed and and and I wrote it I wrote this silly naive up it looks ridiculous aim

within two days for mold Murphy Newsome part of every name in the book claiming that he he caught he basically caused by the trying to figure out how the hell did Trump wasn't in China you couldn't possibly have caused

and I believe what happened is somebody in the Democratic party the same people who kind of engineer to the FrontRunner probably called up and said hey you guys keep praising this guy we're going to make him a chain

I mean if we keep saying he is doing a good job but this is March of an election year and we got a function of the illiterate candidate

this guy is going to win by 50 points you better start knocking them in the head the way they did with Bush on Katrina except here they had nothing to hit them with

I made chili expensive mistakes were made they made the big one he's the one who cut off Shiner a month-and-a-half earlier than 5 if you want it

and a million people would have died if Biden couldn't cut off

I've been thinking lately about a slogan a political slogan that goes something like Trump & Giuliani were right about everything everything everything who was right about Russian collusion

Trump lately

Trump and I did the New York Post today's got a picture of the 51 crooked intelligence guys who lied and said it was Russian disinformation even know if you read the letter carefully they say they have no evidence nor have they ever looked at the email so I'm a Democrat leader instructed them to say it if they'd like to be appointed or continue to get money

from the Democrat Administration all these guys make a fortune when they come out of the oven you know Clapper Brennan

this was a really dangerous thing they imagine accusing Russian

of creating the hard drive write this is Russian disinformation now you're you're a killer your murderer everything they say

electric used all the time of being alive

call my son he knows you're alone

the top 51 intelligence officials that work for Democrats are complete absolute Sony Liars who will lie for political reasons I like that I mean you you're risking

it's right somewhere and not in a very pushy job I'll tell you that

the modern day Benedict Arnold

I believe so I think that I sent you two to you read the letter the letter is is is I'm sure the letter says that there's conditioner of Russian for but we have no evidence of it and we haven't looked at an email

yes it's just a Hollywood script that we felt like writing

that's what we're stuck with if we vote for these Democrats Unfortunately they can be a good lot of really good people that looks like it should be a wanted poster

the Democrat Party can continue to exist just shake down the leadership and get them out and let the party Clans Let's do clam to make him come back in a couple of years nobody saying get rid of them just get these animals out so the American people can go back to this year on on all this because of what they're doing good Congressman or assemblyman or whatever but the leadership is so bad they don't have the opportunity to do

we get rid of get rid of we get rid of Clinton we get rid of Biden we get rid of these really gone and she really think she's here

I don't think she can last much longer cuz I think she's going to fail into her own weight eventually I'm actually I actually if I were one of those thing I'd make a bet on Who falls down first albino her on the way to the podium from the fall on the way to the party

downstairs I get up the stairs that you don't work at that

nobody helped them

yes you do need let Life Stadium the people will be having a tailgate party out another thousand people in the parking lot in the dog show up

you know that's happening how are you I said I had Doug mastriano on my radio show the other day and he's running at dinner right next to you and he says he's experiencing that he goes he has a rally that's what I would call a mini Trump turn up you know like five six eight thousand people but for governors race as good a guess about 50 people

everybody knows Shapiro is a liberal left-wing nutjobs that supports a little in Philadelphia where I mean you want to go to kill somebody go to Philadelphia take their children

that's like the poll polls know people are always crazy over the poles over the coals will just look at how many people show up and I'm almost in the case once again that you will write you and Trump will write about the elections being stolen out of the pool it's kind of pretty it's pretty clear about how many people to show up as opposed to not showing up for the Democrats and somehow they always win what the hell they're not they're not ready for that one yet

you got to shove it down their throats and then we had to shove rush into it took four years to prove that they will mind completely I don't have to pay. They paid for was to create she paid over a billion dollars to create the whole it took two-and-a-half years to

the truth was telling the truth about the hard drive

they're not ready yet for the store when they get there they get in there

it's hard it's hard to believe

that a political party would be so corrupted with stealing a life

but it's hard to believe that a political party is so corrupt it would try to frame a present

and they did right we can call the Russian what it was was it deliberate attempt

two accused and convicted

the president of a crime he didn't commit

absolutely very evil people who are people the American government hit some kind of a critical mass when Trump got in because what happened I think is Trump going to lie to them they didn't expect it and when she caught a huge monkey wrench into what it was that they were loading the society slowly would like a lullaby for the last twenty or thirty years they will lowing us into a wolf disaster and someone started coming

I think I can put you on with me you're a great partner I mean you got a really right on target you got it right on target I mean basically he was going to break up a good thing make a note to tell you when it all comes out there could be some Republicans they had control of the government

so they get the Lion's Share of it but I know Ukraine better than I think anybody and we're talkin what's up what's good what is going on with that

and that's why I got covered up there couple of Republican sitting in the Senate that are you know what

they are there and they have to wear diapers

that's why they hate Johnson and and Grassley and they're trying to defeat Johnson & Johnson

and I've talked to one of them tell you which ones directly about it they they know it

so let's hope the Johnson and Grassley went

well, let me let me let me take a little break so and then we'll we'll I love talking to you so keep calling right

Rudy I want to work for you I'm right across the river all right I'll come over we're going to get together and take care of yourself

I got to remind every everyone that after this show which ends in about 15 minutes or so we have the Regular Show this is one of the special election we have all the mayor has met or whatever you want to caught between the wonderful bbbs at 1 if you do a forward slash I'll call the mayor you're going to get there right you know right directly the number 888-627-6008

I do it I do it and I'm doing that part because I want open discussion like we're having here with Rob where you know all of a sudden YouTube doesn't come in until the sauce for PayPal says you better pay $2,500 because you said stolen election or you know the side effects from the vaccine for a lot worse and people had stuff I mean it's now it's like almost like criminal conduct which of course is completely negate the First Amendment

I mean you know what this is this this will probably require a great deal more conversation between us. This isn't by accident my friend over the last year that this this is all been predicted by home Karl Marx

Frederick Engels Leon Trotsky and American who by the way is Hillary and Obama economy

you probably don't know

and I hope the American corporations that gave millions and billions of dollars black lives matter you probably don't know that it was founded by three self-declared acknowledge trained Marxist


big truck by the Chinese doesn't matter

and also their tactical training was done by two or three former black panther Police Murder will let out early by left-wing criminal loving Democrat presidents

discriminant loving problems the Democrats has been in a long time I faced it when I was an assistant us attorney us attorney

I work my backside off turning around in New York City

MyTeam reduced crime in New York City more than any

more than any one in his not even we don't even have a competitor

we were just trying 65% increase to 535 we saved my

naked people killed by their incompetence and their left-wing and communist policies

people in Afghanistan 213 who died

I've got to take that with him to his grave



that could think

whenever I've had that happen


simple minded idiot

tasty fruit salad before the civilian in a terrorist country

well I did a simple minded idiot

or a trait

who gives up an air base towards the miles from China that you just spent hundreds of millions if not billions to refurbish where you got 85 billion dollars worth of very very sophisticated equipment

and you know the China has announced that he wants to overtake You by 2048 and it's way ahead of schedule they now have a bigger navies in YouTube

and they're on their way to investing in a bigger Army and Airforce and you're you're reducing your military expenditures by B who gives up an Air Force Base 400 miles from a country that you know is developing long-range missiles orasm

you don't need a long-range missile 400 miles away but you can get in there before they can say book no reason can be fought so hard to keep push it out a few but it's the reason why Reagan deployed short a medium Ranch

arrange missiles in Europe and back down the Soviet Union see these things up

Biden has always been too stupid to understand I know you think I'm exaggerating when I said I know them at 4:35 you and I am going to tell you as I have said many times long before you're officially one of the dumbest people I ever met and now he's been on those two things together and America is in great Jeopardy

all decisions that imperil our national security and he's made giving up that are B

he should never be forgiven for that ever there will be a president someday that or general is going to need it Niger no took it away from

no reason we got nothing in return he got 31 million at least

we found out today something I never put fun and I work like hell trying to find out when I got the hard drive I could show the 3.5 million dollars was paid by the Crooked wife of the Crooked mayor of Moscow the wife being a close friend of Putin supposed to hate right at 8 800 by the drug addicts who can do nothing 3.5 million

I knew it was a lot more I've often said that but I told you I couldn't prove so I wouldn't say the number because I only say things I can prove his fight with the Bar Association

well today an independent analysis says that that was for a 40 million dollar real estate deal

next step is go look at their analysis still look at their but it makes sense that he got a lot more money from Russia I also happen to know there's a lot more than that also I can't see the numbers I give you a numbers I can prove and soap to the FBI and they could have for two and a half you that comes directly from her to buy me a computer which I have a copy of

2 Southeast

will the FBI raid but if the FBI did not treat me the way they mistreated Navarro and

and shown my good friend band in a minute they they didn't do the Stormtroopers in the breaking it in in for the late they didn't do it at 6 but we just got to put a knocked on the door and they were extraordinarily professional employment agent I'm not going to say they were embarrassed to do it it's not my right to say that

think they know what they were dealing with a nice man but I think they know that would deal with somebody who made history with the SPI

a lot of history csbi MMA makes me very sad

so they conducted their search it took a long time and they didn't rip my apartment apart like sometimes they do it just because they do it at some point somebody is the word gestapo and we don't like 2 years now she references so let's say let's say like the secret police in East Germany the Stasi that's the kind of Rage they would do they show up in military uniforms with guns and shields and they have but things on it would frighten The Living Daylights out of the children in the house they ripped the house

and they drag people away in the leg

Epson to allegedly not telling the FBI the complete truth about something which is just as likely the FBI was lying as the poor person they were

taking away as if you would been lucky they didn't do that to me they came in they conducted the search they took all the electronics they lined them up on my I left my point at this time doing this for my study which is where if you want to see what my schedule looks like go to my podcast Rudy Giuliani about tonight or tomorrow is going to be Sizzle cuz I do 5151 people who put them in Jeopardy by falsely claiming that Russia was the source of Hunter Biden

criminal computer that contain

child pronography

and the child

we'll talk about that we'll talk about that in the next hour

but once we got a few more minutes on the election so let me give you a sort of an old overview

of the ones that I think are the other four of the critical ones

I believe that it is critical

oz to beat settlement because I don't think we can stand another cognitively significantly impaired left wing

I think I can fairly say Thomas in our government who when he talks you can understand them and when you talk to him he doesn't understand you unless it's translated into some it's around his stroke I am sorry that he had stroke I hope he gets over his truck but while he's getting old and before he can speak normal

he should stay in the hospital plus the guy never worked in his life

his parents support what is this song

the United States Senator

the guy doesn't work and he lives with his parents and he's a giant

and he talks nonsense like the fun the police are you crazy people in Pennsylvania are very very decent smart people

water type campaign

I hate to say this but my best friends jumping Pennsylvania but they do

I always knew you were going to vote for Trump you know you voted for Trump last time too

let you know I probably I should have gone to bed I shouldn't travel to Pennsylvania and then a little

any event

got to go and said this is a disgrace what up in Atlanta

I'm in the skies are a racist

this was a black lives matter defund the police

my daddy's brother left of Obama he's a little left of most European governments were more socialist in European governments

we got more people being paid by the government and not working which is a great sign of socialism

yeah you're working to support them

and that making more not working

that's not socialist

we govern by mandate and then Biden tells us what we can do and can't do it don't pass laws anymore and when we do we pass him without as a one-party country

what do you call that

I call it a fascist state

and then he goes after the enemies investigating forever and ever they take it away, do you want a danger

Yama Danger

even though the judge in the DC determined that nothing I said or did anything to do with the violence of January of January because when I said trial by combat which is what they focus on you just read the sentence before and after I'm talking about comparing two machines I'm talking about like for the two machines together and see which wins did the machine when it was hours before anybody did anything and the judge was an Obama judge dismissed me and

Donald jr. from the case because nothing he said could fairly be interpreted to incite anyone to unlawful conduct despite that but two years my life has been taken away

because I represented Donald Trump we're going to

about two more minutes and let me just see if I have any more results to give you because although although these tolls are probably going to change when we get to work

when we get to we get to election day

it's um

we got the shot Monmouth poll that has five letters 16% disapproval a Rasmussen poll 11% disapproval

cmbc 4% disapproval the old Democrats that are that are

better that way the generic of ballast

as of CNBC has he has Republicans winning by 2 and Mom is has Republican winning by 6 which is a big number for Ruck 54-44 Republican

Arizona Senate race Kelly and Masters

according to the Daily wire for Kelly's ahead by one

in Arizona and the governor's race latest ahead by 3 and in Ohio man is now dead by 4


it's it's it's still very close still impossible to call as to what that mean that I didn't go over the house very much and I will next time because we don't want to leave the house is as close to a certain Republican Victory is going to get it's the numbers that that make a difference and just how many of them is it going to be 5 in Buckhannon be 30

if you can get

it comes down to maybe two three races and by next week maybe we can I mean right now I got it narrowed for myself personally to 6 but I think I could narrow with 232 you to do your nails and to also urge you because I am a columnist apartment to vote Republican to say but look up thank you very much I'll be back with you next week with this show and I'll be on in just a couple minutes with

thank you and God bless America

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